What a Joke!!!!
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Thread: What a Joke!!!!

  1. #1

    What a Joke!!!!

    The other day I received uniforms which I requested two months ago. To my surprise they were USED!! What the hell is this!! A year ago I would have never supported a merger, but after everything I have been through and I have seen, I am ready!! What kind of chief would expect his troops to where USED SHIZZAT!!! Come on guys lets unite and Vite yes to a merger, and then lets follow it up by blitzing the media and board members to send our message!! The only thing that will chance the downward spiral that were on is a total shakeup like the merger!!

  2. #2

    Lightbulb Re: What a Joke!!!!


  3. #3

    Re: What a Joke!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by LOL
    Sad but true......just goes to show you how they really feel about us.......it is time for change....the clock is ticking and we are running out of time.

  4. #4

    Re: What a Joke!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by ItsTime
    The other day I received uniforms which I requested two months ago. To my surprise they were USED!! What the hell is this!! A year ago I would have never supported a merger, but after everything I have been through and I have seen, I am ready!! What kind of chief would expect his troops to where USED SHIZZAT!!! Come on guys lets unite and Vite yes to a merger, and then lets follow it up by blitzing the media and board members to send our message!! The only thing that will chance the downward spiral that were on is a total shakeup like the merger!!
    They have been doing that for years!! I requested a shirt because my zipper broke while breaking up a 36. They gave me an old beat up shirt not even my size! I just brought the other to the cleaners, and they fixed the zipper instead. When will you people understand, the Chief does not care about you! Nobody is looking out for us here at the PD! We need to vote 80% and sell this idea to the board; they will get a better level of service, at a better price. Plain and simple. We are down over 20 guys right now, change must happen. Its not getting any better and it never will unless a merger happens.

    ALSO we would keep our schedules!! All specialized units have a specific shedule they follow. PBSO is a way for this department to grow, something it has never done!

  5. #5

    Re: What a Joke!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Good Will
    Quote Originally Posted by LOL
    Sad but true......just goes to show you how they really feel about us.......it is time for change....the clock is ticking and we are running out of time.


  6. #6

    Re: What a Joke!!!!

    So the boys and girls want to leave the flock and go play PO-PO in the real world. Let's vote for a merger, let's go green they chant. Yeah it sounds good and I am all for it but there is one major hurdle we would have to overcome. What is that you ask? Well my impetuous friends let's say 90% of the members of this department agree to a merger into the PBSO, in what manner will we approach the School Board and get them to agree with this request. Yes I said request because regardless of what you may personally think or what ever nonsense the wannabe Deputies post on this site the finally say so belongs to the District and the man who pulls all the strings your beloved AJ. You see it is more than us saying we want to go to the Sheriff's Office there are a multitude of variables that have to be considered. First and foremost would be an assurance on long term service beyond the customary 2 year status quo. Second the Principals carry a lot more clout than most of us realize, they would have to be brought on board and sold the idea that their campuses will receive the same coverage they are accustomed to. Then there are the parents, they will have to be explained the benefits of a merger as it pertains to the safety of their children. And let's not forget the uneducated malcontents in our own department who are hell bent on spreading misinformation among us to foster an environment of confusion and fear. Bottom line ladies and gentlemen, a merger may be something that we want, something that we need, something we may deserve but it is not something that is up to us. So don't bet the ranch on it for you may be left without shelter. Don't hold your breath because you may be left lifeless. And don't believe anything that you read about a merger until it is made official by the people who could actually make it happen and not the people who could only talk about it.

  7. #7

    Re: What a Joke!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by TIME FOR WHAT
    So the boys and girls want to leave the flock and go play PO-PO in the real world. Let's vote for a merger, let's go green they chant. Yeah it sounds good and I am all for it but there is one major hurdle we would have to overcome. What is that you ask? Well my impetuous friends let's say 90% of the members of this department agree to a merger into the PBSO, in what manner will we approach the School Board and get them to agree with this request. Yes I said request because regardless of what you may personally think or what ever nonsense the wannabe Deputies post on this site the finally say so belongs to the District and the man who pulls all the strings your beloved AJ. You see it is more than us saying we want to go to the Sheriff's Office there are a multitude of variables that have to be considered. First and foremost would be an assurance on long term service beyond the customary 2 year status quo. Second the Principals carry a lot more clout than most of us realize, they would have to be brought on board and sold the idea that their campuses will receive the same coverage they are accustomed to. Then there are the parents, they will have to be explained the benefits of a merger as it pertains to the safety of their children. And let's not forget the uneducated malcontents in our own department who are hell bent on spreading misinformation among us to foster an environment of confusion and fear. Bottom line ladies and gentlemen, a merger may be something that we want, something that we need, something we may deserve but it is not something that is up to us. So don't bet the ranch on it for you may be left without shelter. Don't hold your breath because you may be left lifeless. And don't believe anything that you read about a merger until it is made official by the people who could actually make it happen and not the people who could only talk about it.

    All great points, and hopefully the PBA can assist in delivering these messages to AJ, the Principals, and the parents. In addition, a positive letter to AJ about the benefits of a merger will not hurt..........also speaking with the Principals and parents about the lack of resources we have, and how the level of service can increase if a merger was to happen.............

  8. #8

    Re: What a Joke!!!!

    The "No Green Vs Go Green" has certainly pitted half the dept against the other half. A formal vote will not solve anything except show what the majority feels is the correct thing to do, and most likely for their own particular situation. The final merger choice is not something we can control. AJ has issued several economic updates, each one bleaker than the other. It is getting more certain, as the economy tanks even more, that the District is going to have to make another big cut this year. Where does one make a big cut? The class size amendment saves the teachers. Electives like PE already have 70+ kids in a class. APs are already serving lunch because Cafe staffs are at a minimum and absenses cause a real problem serving the lunches. Do you make that special needs student that requires a one-on-one para wait to have his needs taken care of because the para now has three kids? How much longer will we have middle school sports with all the equipment and salary supplement costs (they're lucky that parents do most of the driving or else there would be a huge bus bill). Supervisors are getting tied up answering calls at elementary schools, because of personnel cuts. How much longer can we continue to roll the dice on sending one officer, of a two-officer school, to handle a call at another school. Sometimes its the only officer at a one-officer school that has to go. Wellington HS's incident could have been worse if one of the home school cops had been off-campus. The bottom line is that it will be an economic decision as more and more budget cuts paint them deeper into a corner.

  9. #9

    Re: What a Joke!!!!

    Dude get some new lines you are so repetitive. Is it because you like to read what you write on the internet? Does it make you feel important? The post by the guy or girl on top of you was right on the money. You should contact them so that they may give you some fresh ideas. I know you think you are helping but you really are not. So please if you do not have anything new or innovative to offer the men and women of this department please S-T-F-U. Thank you for your time and understanding.

  10. #10

    Re: What a Joke!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Grasshopperstomper
    Dude get some new lines you are so repetitive. Is it because you like to read what you write on the internet? Does it make you feel important? The post by the guy or girl on top of you was right on the money. You should contact them so that they may give you some fresh ideas. I know you think you are helping but you really are not. So please if you do not have anything new or innovative to offer the men and women of this department please S-T-F-U. Thank you for your time and understanding.
    I have been involved in two merger proposals: one failed and one successful. Both proposals were economics driven. The 1st was proposed by the Chief and studied by the city council. As a union official/negotiator, I was part of the liason committee. Depite all but two officers and one psa voting for the merger, the city voted it down and cut the budget to match the proposal. The result included, but was not limited to, driving police cars that were part of a cancelled taxi fleet order; all but four PSA's laid off, comp time instead of OT, the city having to borrow to pay off accrued leave of those resigning; being told not to cash a paycheck till the staff sgt could deposit the franchise fee check from FPL, and the chief settling an arbitartion ruling by having officers select from the property room in lieu of retro money. Several years down the line, the city's finances improved and we took over a city that was facing either being taken over by us or being dissolved because of declining finances. I was not disagreeing with the gentleman, or lady, that you refer to. I was just trying to point out, again, that it is an economic issue that has unfortunately resulted in peers resorting to name calling and seems to have divided our officers into to camps.

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