The intent for this site is for adults to have conversations and express opinions in an anonymous forum. Please remember when posting that your post in not in a private forum and can be read by anyone. If you want to embarass yourself and your department do it elsewhere. Simply put, BS namecalling will not be tolerated and the posts will be deleted. Officers do have families and some of their family members do read this site. Using an officers full name when making a negative comment about them on this forum is the equivelant of a reporter printing an officer's photo and home address.
Feel free to discuss situations and incidents, but refrain from using a name. The families of these officers do not need the embarassment. Two posts have just been removed, though one appeared to be done in a joking manner rather than maliciously. The rule will be enforced from this point on. The ECSO site got way out of control with embarassing posts until recently when a Moderator began to gain control. While I encourage the use of this site because it is the only real forum there is for an agency to discuss issues, I ask you to use it in an adult manner. :cop: