another firing at lauderhill pd - Page 3
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  1. #21

    Re: another firing at lauderhill pd

    They need to put Bebber back on his motor! THIS PLACE IS A FLIPPIN' JOKE!

  2. #22

    Re: another firing at lauderhill pd

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    They need to put Bebber back on his motor! THIS PLACE IS A FLIPPIN' JOKE!
    Bebber? Motor? Flippin? Wow you really need to lay off this site before you get in more trouble. Spies are everywhere looking for reasons to nail people. Hide in the woodwork my friend it is not worth posting on this site! Friendly advice.

  3. #23

    Re: another firing at lauderhill pd

    Whens Vanbeber coming back! People in Lauderhill are driving like maniacs. Its a free for all. The traffic unit is not doing anything and no one has any reason to abide by traffic laws in Lauderhill.

  4. #24

    Re: another firing at lauderhill pd

    I dont think he is. I think the Chief is in the process of firing another good officer. Whats going on around here?!?!?!?

  5. #25

    Re: another firing at lauderhill pd

    That will be the biggest mistake this department will ever make. If hes fired, it sends a strong message to everyone who works hard for Lauderhill. You work hard, you put all your heart into it, you will be fired at the drop of a hat. Maybe a couple of us should group up and complaine that T-4 has been sexually harassing us. It would be as true as whatever lies he said about SV we should give it a try. In fact it sounds more possible than whatever he said SV did. The whole traffic unit has no respect, everyone hates all of you and talks so much behind your backs. I hope you sleep good at nite.

  6. #26

    Re: another firing at lauderhill pd

    Dont do that, then you would be no better then T-4. Havent you seen the department fire enuff good hard working officers over the last few months. They dont care. I dont think any of those officers should have been fired. They made mistakes, so issue disclipline, not fire them. It shows the city thinks nobody has any value to them after a mistake.


  7. #27

    Re: another firing at lauderhill pd

    Yeah how the hell can one city who is hurting for good officers, fire so many?? why not discipline the rooks on prob? Why was Tal lied to for so long about the outcome of his investigation? Why is VB not on the road? Lauderhill sux I would rather work for Hallandale Bch!

  8. #28


    I think I may have figured this place out.

    Lauderhill has become the training grounds for the county. You come here, get trained, certified and then go elsewhere.

    How does the city combat this you ask? How do they keep cops from leaving on your mind? I think this may be fact.

    The city waits for you to screwup. Then, they turn any kind of policy violation into the crime of the century. As a result, your personal file is saturated with write-ups, suspensions and other garbage that would prevent you from going elsewhere. Yes, Lauderhill fires many officers, but EVERY one of them thus far has gotten their jobs back. Even though they won, it still looks really bad because no one really knows the truth. Your considered a liability or a risk at this point. Unfortunately, not many officers have commendations in their files to outnumber the negativity because sergeants around here don't wanna help us out. We have cops arresting burglary guys, robbery guys and even homicide suspects without receiving recognition for these arrests. Some of the cities biggest dope arrests have stemmed from 10-50's from patrol officers. The A2 guys just got a bank robber in custody, recovered the money and even the guards gun along with the suspects gun. I'm sure someone will get written up for some kind of policy violation.

    I enjoy working here, but you have to watch your a$$. This place has changed and not for the better in my opinion. Now we have AVL in every cop car. The city has no trust in us. Next, cameras and mics.We have too many over zealous delta units and we are way to top heavy in regards to administration.

    To my fellow LPD colleagues, be careful out there and be safe.

    Remember rule # 1, go home the same exact way you came in. rule # 2....forget everything else and refer back to rule # 1.

    One of my FTO's drilled this into my head every day. Its the ultimate rule!

  9. #29

    Re: another firing at lauderhill pd

    What does it tell you when Officers are sueing the city they have worked for. I see UT has filed a suit against the City (Found it in a search of Broward County Records during a case).

    I hope he nails them to the wall. Good luck UT

    Let that be a lesson to all of you. Thats what it takes to survive in this place. When will you learn the City is out to get everyone.

  10. #30

    Re: another firing at lauderhill pd

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    What does it tell you when Officers are sueing the city they have worked for. I see UT has filed a suit against the City (Found it in a search of Broward County Records during a case).

    I hope he nails them to the wall. Good luck UT

    Let that be a lesson to all of you. Thats what it takes to survive in this place. When will you learn the City is out to get everyone.
    ;-) ... ected+Case :devil:

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