Chief da Punk - Page 2
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Thread: Chief da Punk

  1. #11
    At BSO Hernandez has requested several individuals to walk outside for a fight. The man has no control over his temper and is a time bomb.

  2. #12

    BYe BYe

    That alone should be enough for him to be discharged on unprofessional conduct and assault charges. Grow some Balls guys and gals.. go file with the SAO yourself or let the media know. To put up with this kind of conduct from a CHIEF or anyone is BS. He has a history and is well documented. Who the heck did his background and missed all this crap... oh I forgot TS.

  3. #13

    Re: Chief da Punk

    Oh we so tried to warn you. He pulled the same pony tail crap at BSO when he became a sergeant. I'll bet a shrink could have a field day with that phobia. I hope your sergeant goes after him with a vengence. Wouldn't be the first time! Unless the women are fawning over him - he has no use for them. You're too F'n old Ralphie!

  4. #14

    Re: Chief da Punk

    Lets see here....
    I guy with hardly ANY Patrol experience even though he's been in law enforcement for upwards of thirty years tells a verteran patrol Sgt that her hair is unsafe, then threatens to have a field day with her.....

    Says she's never fought anyone like him huh.... We'll Ralphie does that mean you resort to hair pulling when fighting just females or would you try this with a man as well???

    And since leadership is supposed to come from the top, I guess that means we can act that hostile and threatening towards the public in general when someone questions our motives or ideas....

    You see had you gotten more exposure to Patrol work throughout your career rather than jump from broken down admin positions in various locations, you would know how to deal with adversarial people and or situations without losing your cool....

    Next time you feel like threatening or trying to intimidate someone, why don't you do some good with it.... Grab a Patrol car (they're the black & white cars with big stickers & lights on them) and head to the Govt Center and do some hands on Police work. :snicker:

  5. #15

    Re: Chief da Punk

    only one problem, GOOD LUCK FINDING AN EXTRA CAR.....

  6. #16

    Re: Chief da Punk

    I wish I could be there now. Years ago if this kinda of crap occured from the administration I and others would have made their lives miserable. Anybody that is still there will tell you the kinds of things that were done, such as letters, deliveries to there homes, radio transmissions, and sticking to the BS rules that slowed everything down. Most of us used to stick together and when we had officers that didnt fit in we got rid of them to. Ask someone about a letter that one of the Sgts sent out to everyone about Gage. Everyone stick together and you can get things done.

    Your friend Hal

  7. #17

    Re: Chief da Punk

    Good job Chief, you have successfully lowered morale to an all time low. I hope this City Manager and Council realize what a scum bag you are and fires you. I hope they realize that KK is just as good as you are at lowering morale.

  8. #18

    Re: Chief da Punk

    chief hernandez claims only a few have a morale problem. well when the union survey is conducted we will see who has a morale problem ops: . it is a shame that hernandez lacks the intelligance to understand that he is not a chief nor a police officer.
    HERNANDEZ when was the last time you worked in uniform patrol :?: you have no idea the struggles officers are suffering today. all you care about is looking good and having losers follow your non-sense policies. you are clue-less and lack leadership.
    Hernandez you will try to detroy nmb, but you will fail just like you have failed in the past. I hope GOD finds you a new home fast that pays you $200,000 a year with great benefits because frankly we do not want you in north miam beach.

    north miami beach city council we need HELP! :cry:

  9. #19

    Re: Chief da Punk

    vote of no-co..ralphie must of no-co.....ralphie must of no-co.....ralphie must of no-co....ralhie must of no-co.........ralphie must of no-co......ralphie must go.......

  10. #20

    Re: Chief da Punk

    Caveat city manager and council members, Ralph Hernandez is proof that attending the FBI Academy, and having a “master degree” is no guarantee that your newly hired police chief can effectively lead your police department.

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