check out the forum - Page 2
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  1. #11

    Re: check out the forum

    Paul thought he could do what he was used to doing. Bust in somewhere, wave his little badge around, (Edited by Mod 507). The only problem was (Edited by Mod 507), and he got caught. The amazing part is he has the audacity to run for sherriff. (Edited by Mod 507) Too bad everyone else doesn't belive his crap. Paul, go be sherriff of Candyland or Neverland. You're over your head in the real world...............

  2. #12

    Re: check out the forum

    Guest, I think you have it wrong about Paul. No one is attacking him. He has made his bed, just like the rest of the candidates. They have chosen to run for office and now all the skeletons are coming out of the closets. You have to have a thick skin to run for office. He made some really poor choices and he got punished for them. Now that he put his name out there...people are talking about it.

  3. #13

    Re: check out the forum

    I agree with you "Young Resident". I have seen Paul do just that down at a restaurant in Steinhatchee. Sat with my wife and watched the whole thing take place. His son-in-law was right there with him ready to fight. Talks a big game, makes a lot of (Edited by Mod 507)! If I remember correctly wasn't that one of the things he got in trouble for?

  4. #14

    Re: check out the forum

    Oh yeah, it's easy for law enforcement to bully people. Most people don't retaliate because they are law officers. Paul and his son in law went out of their way to start trouble, and they were always (Edited by Mod 507) when it happened. That's my whole point about sherriff. I know they are people just like everyone else, but if you're gonna be a cop and have the power to arrest people, you can't break the law and act like a fool in public. You can't threaten folks, drink and drive, use your badge to get out of trouble etc. That badge made him feel above the law when he was a deputy, so what would it be like if he was the sherriff? If he gets elected sherriff you better board up your windows. Law enforcement has the power to ruin people's lives, so can we at least have an honest, trustworthy sherriff.

  5. #15

    Re: check out the forum

    You are right again. You won't see Bummyout drinking and starting arguments with people and then getting in his vehicle. The worst thing people are saying about him is that his son is trouble. Well, as a parent we raise them up and then pray to the Lord above that they make the right choices. His actions should not reflect on Bummy being Sheriff and I am afraid that the people of this town are going to let it.

  6. #16

    Re: check out the forum

    You're worried about Bummy losing? I don't think you have anything to worry about. I know plenty of really good people who have had trouble with their kids. I'm worried about ability to run a department efficiently and keep the peace, something Bummy has managed to do for many years. I'm not saying he is the best sheriff in America, but he's the logical choice in this race. If Walker - Texas Ranger runs next term, I may vote for him, but until then I'll stick with our best option.

  7. #17

    Re: check out the forum

    Source of truth, my entire post will be directed at you. I have been on the (Edited by Mod 507) Board for 10 years. The comments that you made above have no truth to them whatsoever. I believe that you have some stories mixed up. What does any of what you said have to do with Mr. Poppell's ability to be Sheriff of Taylor County? Absolutely nothing! If he is desperate enough to tear down his own family member in retrurn for votes, then who wants him in office anyway. Win the election by telling people what you can do for them and how you are going to help our current situation, not by digging up an incident from a couple of years ago to make yourself look better. If he really were all the things that you say, then he would not need you writing posts like you have. Last but not least if he were a good decent Christian man then don't you think he would try to mend the wounds with his family whether he thinks he is right or not? I don't want to get on here and preach, but I had to say something after I read your statements.

  8. #18
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Taylor County

    Re: check out the forum

    I had to edit out a lot of comments here. Please, if you are not aware of the Terms of Use, please click on the "Forum Rules" link and read them.

    Please remember to leave family members out of postings on here. Also, please include "substantial proof" when making allegations against a named or easily identifiable person. Usually a link to a legitimate News Source will suffice, a scanned document, etc. There is a little more leeway in regards to Public Figures and Candidates. I said a little, they are not open to pop shots.

    If after reading the Terms of Use and you have any questions feel free to ask.


    Mod 507

  9. #19

    Re: check out the forum

    Good Job MOD.

    Nothing on this board for days or weeks then all of a sudden this crew shows up slinging mud one behind the other. They have already been warned on the TaylorCountyTalk boards about it. Just looking for a place to talk all that junk.

    Looks like they would just stand on Jefferson St and hold a sign for the candidate and leave it be.

    Move on, this board is for productive conversation.

  10. #20

    Re: check out the forum

    Thank you mod for controlling the mud slinging! I can't wait for this election to be over and everyone to move on with their lives.

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