Motors Getting Boned - Page 3
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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Sunny Isles Beach-49 sworn-6 MOTORMEN
    North Miami Beach-109 sworn-2 MOTORMEN

    don't worry guyz, you use to work multi juristictional traffic details, give him some time, if he does what he did while in VIN (piss other agencies off), no agency will want to work with NMB.

  2. #22


    I've only been here for a little over a year and after talking to people from my academy class who are with other agencies, this place really sucks. I'm County bound and wish you all a happy career at N.M.B. Which should stand for.


    I should be a SGT or LT in a specialized unit within the next 5-6 years without having to be a kiss a-- or nutless. So Bon-Voyage ! Good luck with your 43 El-Heffe.

  3. #23
    I hate to say it, but our new chief is absolutely clueless.

    We don't even have enough officers to meet the minimum staffing requirements, and yet our chief is ordering a hiring freeze?

    We have to cannibalize Motors in order to staff the road, morale around the agency is at an all-time low, rookies are threatening to bail and go elsewhere, we have an alleged one million dollar budget shortfall and yet our chief is perpetually busy sending ridiculously stupid e-mails on his blackberry, outlawing goatees and cleaning bathrooms like an obssessive-compulsive, anally-retentive ferret???

    Goatees? Chief, are you freaking serious??? Goatees? If we rated this agency's problems on a list, from most serious to least, goatees wouldn't make even the top 500. Goatees rate somewhere between excessive naval lint and static cling in terms of being a problem that we seriously need to deal with, and the same goes for calea pins and air fresheners in cars. In case you haven't noticed, chief, we need to hire more officers and we need to do all that we can to hold onto the ones that are thinking of leaving us.

    We don't even have enough officers to patrol the streets or to keep the public safe, and rather than hire more officers you have instead decided that it would be best to order your police officers to ignore burglars, car thieves and robbers and instead focus on finding and identifying law abiding citizens by conducting amazingly stupid "community contacts". that is pure genius! :roll:

    Don't worry about crime, chief. Don't worry about the piss poor morale, chief. Don't worry about staffing issues, chief. Don't worry about anything that really matters, chief, just get rid of those damn goatees and clean those bathrooms!!! It is only too bad that Gomer did not the get the job that many of us, including me, felt that he deserved. He must be laughing his skinny ass off right about now!!!!

  4. #24

    Who is his Rabbi?

    Whether older and bald, leopards don't change their spots! As a part of his attempt to "professionalize" your department, has he hung his photograph over entrance and exit doors around the station?

  5. #25

    Re: County

    Quote Originally Posted by The Rook
    I've only been here for a little over a year and after talking to people from my academy class who are with other agencies, this place really sucks. I'm County bound and wish you all a happy career at N.M.B. Which should stand for.


    I should be a SGT or LT in a specialized unit within the next 5-6 years without having to be a kiss a-- or nutless. So Bon-Voyage ! Good luck with your 43 El-Heffe.
    Ok ofc. marin dont get the Ben Anderson syndrome.

  6. #26

    More bad news coming!

    And the rest of us who were once part of NMB are laughing as we told you so! If crime was a priority, all units would be assigned to the road even temp, we would all be kicking butt and taking names with the Chief leading the charge!

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by The Sad Truth
    I hate to say it, but our new chief is absolutely clueless.

    We don't even have enough officers to meet the minimum staffing requirements, and yet our chief is ordering a hiring freeze?

    We have to cannibalize Motors in order to staff the road, morale around the agency is at an all-time low, rookies are threatening to bail and go elsewhere, we have an alleged one million dollar budget shortfall and yet our chief is perpetually busy sending ridiculously stupid e-mails on his blackberry, outlawing goatees and cleaning bathrooms like an obssessive-compulsive, anally-retentive ferret???

    Goatees? Chief, are you freaking serious??? Goatees? If we rated this agency's problems on a list, from most serious to least, goatees wouldn't make even the top 500. Goatees rate somewhere between excessive naval lint and static cling in terms of being a problem that we seriously need to deal with, and the same goes for calea pins and air fresheners in cars. In case you haven't noticed, chief, we need to hire more officers and we need to do all that we can to hold onto the ones that are thinking of leaving us.

    We don't even have enough officers to patrol the streets or to keep the public safe, and rather than hire more officers you have instead decided that it would be best to order your police officers to ignore burglars, car thieves and robbers and instead focus on finding and identifying law abiding citizens by conducting amazingly stupid "community contacts". that is pure genius! :roll:

    Don't worry about crime, chief. Don't worry about the piss poor morale, chief. Don't worry about staffing issues, chief. Don't worry about anything that really matters, chief, just get rid of those darn goatees and clean those bathrooms!!! It is only too bad that Gomer did not the get the job that many of us, including me, felt that he deserved. He must be laughing his skinny ass off right about now!!!!
    sad truth, first off we do have enough officers to meet minimum staffing to patrol the streets, but when someone calls out sick and there are others off already, guess causes ot. this is nothing new, this has been going on for years, long before old ralph came around. as far as goatees, maybe if some of you didnt look like shaggy from scooby doo we could still keep them. also, its not that we are short staffed, its the piss poor management of personnel that has you flustered. some of you cry that we are too busy and that we need more officers on the road but you were probably one of those rookies calling your sgt right when you got off fto demanding to go home on your friday thus shorting the road. you want a $hit load of officers on the road? becareful what you ask for because you just might get a cost. i say we do a vote of no confidence on the chief and make sure we point out the key issues for it...
    1. he wants to take away the goatees (most important issue)
    2. he is a neat freak and wants the gym and bathroom clean
    3.he made us depersonalize our city issued cars by taking off stickers, license plates and air fresheners
    4.he brought in prisoners to clean the station
    5.he keeps sending stupid emails from his balckberry telling us to stay safe while using some stupid a$$ words

    now if we can get him on a vote because he has no personality and is a poor manager than we got him for sure. now our pension does suck compared to other agencies but we were the ones that voted in or out key issues like off duty included or a higher multiplier so who do we have to blame for that? oh wait lets blame the ones that retired on the window...those *******s, i cant believe they took that deal, they should have stayed like carl coffey??????

    times r tuff right now but keep things in perspective. our administration sucks and the streets are dangerous. watch each others backs instead of stabbing them in it. lets make smart decisions on pension issues like health insurance after retirement or focus on getting a decent contract. dont let these idiots tear us down, these bs issues will pass, they always do.

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by goat boy
    sad truth, first off we do have enough officers to meet minimum staffing to patrol the streets, but when someone calls out sick and there are others off already, guess causes ot.

    First of all, people call out sick. This is an inevitable fact, you idiot. We need to have enough officers to account for these inevitable absences. That, or we need to be prepared to pay OT to fill them. It is indeed poor planning to have just enough officers to cover the bare minimum and then cross your fingers and pray for a perfect outcome that you know will never come. Only in your non-existent Utopia does no one ever call out sick. I see that you are as stupid as he.

    And if some of the officers, in your misguided opinion, fail to properly maintain their goatees then why not deal with those officers individually rather than enact a policy that addresses the entire department in wholesale fashion? I know that it is the NMB way to punish everyone for the sins of only a small few, like dumbassed Friedman did a few years back when he saw one cop speeding and made the entire department get huge numbers on the back of their cars, and you seem to be cut from the same embarrassing cloth. You must be a captain or above!

    And even if some of the officers maintain their goatees poorly, we have a lot more pressing issues to deal with. Don't you agree? Of course not, you are another moron lackey who can't see the forrest for the trees.

    Your trivialization of the chief's stupid and feckless agenda is about the only semi-smart thing that you said. We have a ton of serious issues that need fixing, and our fearless leader is only focusing on the pointless minutiae. We need a chief who knows how to be his own man and make decisions based on our agenda and not city hall's, and someone needs to call him on his poor management.

  9. #29

    Grow UP !

    As usual , grow up and deal with it ! Many reasons you will never understand as NMBPD Cops have been spoiled in the past and about time someone is taking charge. The beards, shorts, and all different uniforms looked like crap for years! We are suppose to be in a para military organization, not a country club like in years past! The cars, everyone had there own theme going on. Uniforms we must have had 4 different ones. If you dont like it LEAVE ! Stop blaming everyone but yourself! Its idiots like us that bring are own demiss !

  10. #30
    I don't care if we have to eliminate all of the specialized units and put them back on the road to protect the streets, that is no big deal. I say we should get rid of DB, VIN, Street Crimes and Gangs and put them all back on the road with Motors. That sounds great to me!

    And I think that uniforms and goatees are more important than having enough officers to protect the streets, because I am just as stupid as the new chief that we hired. I think that we have become too spoiled and too accustomed to having enough officers, and it is about time for us to get used to working without the necessary manpower to safely patrol the city.

    I have a brilliant suggestion---let's reduce the minimum staffing requirements and start to work the streets with only four road patrol cops instead of seven or eight. Yeah, that would serve us right!

    I love you, Ralph.

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