Must Be Nice!!!
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Thread: Must Be Nice!!!

  1. #1

    Must Be Nice!!!

    It really must be nice to utilize your unmarked ford crown victoria with those really nifty hidden blue and red lights for personal use. Like go to the SYAA field in Seminole for baseball games and practice. It’s a Largo car there’s no doubt about it by the way the lights are set up, and the antenna placement.

    I wish my department would allow me to do that but yet again; I don't have the luxury of an unmarked cruiser. But I don’t and like every other parent drive there on my own dime.

    It is just amazing how this is justified,,,,, you’re not even in your city. With all the budget cuts I hope you are paying for the gas.

    So, what’s the policy on use of city equipment while off duty? Are supervisors exempt?

    But im sure, once people read this post this person will just try to hide the car while he / she are at the baseball field.

    Here's the catch, I have photos and just may appear at a council meeting. Boy o boy would this really cause a pickle,,,,
    :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

  2. #2
    go ahead and bring those pictures to a commision meeting. it would be more appropriate than acting like a middle schooler on this board.

  3. #3
    no kidding, grow up and act like an adult. If you have a problem either bring it to the administration or go to a commission meeting............. Either way you are acting like a child and sticking your nose in other peoples business....doesnt your own department have problems you can whine about? Wait..your probably ex LPD and can not just let go and move on.

  4. #4

    none left

    You're a proud representation of the thin blue line. Go ahead and rat on your fellow law enforcement officers. You're not a real cop. You're nothing more than a card carrying member of the "me generation." All you and your kind do is go around whining about, "Why does he get a toy??? I want the same toy!!! WAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" You disgust me and you are what is wrong with law enforcement today. Please go work an office job where my life does not depend on your selfish decision making. You should be embarassed that you even posted this message. It doesn't even matter if the person using the city vehicle for personal use is right or wrong, YOU should be embarassed for trying to stab a fellow police officer in the back. You're a straight up worthless piece of $hit. Your agency is worse off for your presence. Grow some courage and say something to the offender if it's so f-ing important to you.

  5. #5
    Well, everybody else at the ballfield is paying 3.50 plus per gallon for gas. The high ranking official is getting the gas free and he's probably making 75K or better. The other parents should be happy or look the other way about this disparity? Ged mad and defend him all you want, but this has nothing to do with a thin blue line or scandalous attacks. Doing the right thing means leaving the car at home and taking your own car to the ballfield just like the rest of us. With the attitudes expressed on here, you'll have to alert the media or the commission with your photos. For some unknown reason, people that would attack management in the office at the watercooler, circle the wagons when it's somebody from outside the society.

  6. #6
    Well this is a useless topic. Here is an idea Other LEO, worry about yourself. I don't understand all this nonsense with other agencies anymore. Did you ever think there may have been a reason for this, I have no idea what it may be, but perhaps you should gather facts before making accusations. You know, kind of like police work, oh that's right, you are too busy policing other agencies to do any LEO work of your own. AZZclown.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by To lpd
    Well, everybody else at the ballfield is paying 3.50 plus per gallon for gas. The high ranking official is getting the gas free and he's probably making 75K or better.
    If I wanted to stab somebody in the back, I would have called the pd. Yet again people can't take a hint. This is probably the same person who is emptying out the snacks at the lodge.

    It’s pretty much a matter of principal and common sense. This is the reason many departments lose the take home car. People just think they deserve more because their cops. The true thin blue line has been lost many years ago to corruption and the me generation. This is an extremely sad fact of our profession. Cast stones and shout to the sky, why? You just show what a child you are.

    And, as for the supervisor or officer driving this phantom car. I’m sure your coworkers will thank you when the city takes the cars away. But then again if you’re a supervisor you get perks that we regular officers don't get.

  8. #8

    You are a loser

    Quote Originally Posted by To lpd
    Well, everybody else at the ballfield is paying 3.50 plus per gallon for gas. The high ranking official is getting the gas free and he's probably making 75K or better. The other parents should be happy or look the other way about this disparity? Ged mad and defend him all you want, but this has nothing to do with a thin blue line or scandalous attacks. Doing the right thing means leaving the car at home and taking your own car to the ballfield just like the rest of us. With the attitudes expressed on here, you'll have to alert the media or the commission with your photos. For some unknown reason, people that would attack management in the office at the watercooler, circle the wagons when it's somebody from outside the society.

    I'm paying 3.50 a gallon for gas as well. Frankly, I'm more worried about staying alive every day, protecting myself, my family and my fellow LEO, and not so worried about what one irresponsible supervisor is doing with their vehicle. I can only WISH that was my biggest concern.

    Other LEO - justify it however you please. You are a snitch. You know it and the people you work with know it. You're a disgrace.

    The "To" chode isn't even a cop. Just some angry civilian who didn't get their way.

  9. #9
    I'm sorry honey. Of course your life is full of danger and woe. How silly of me to question anything you big bad boys in blue (or black) do. I feel like such an ingrate. You darlings kill me. You try like hell to get the job, pleased as punch when you get the uniform and the gun, then spend your career telling everyone how lucky you are to be alive at the end of your shift, and how ungrateful slimy civilians are because they couldn't possibly understand the perils of you paulines. We don't get this, we don't get that, they don't pay us enough. You sure thought it was enough when you got hired didn't you sweetie?

  10. #10
    go away

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