Good afternoon crew,

This is one of those times that I would like to see if this sight can be used for a constructive purpose. I know we will get some on this thread that just see it as another way to attack the department, but hopefully we will also get some good post here.

Your mission, if you decide to accept it, is to put ideas down on here can save the department money. I know that this sight does get reviewed by admin and if somebody comes up with a working idea it just might help all of us. We have a lot of good officers, and I am sure many of you can come up with good ideas. Let's avoid the things like "lets fire everyone" or "make all admin ride bikes to work" because we know those things will not happen. The idea is throw some workable foward thinking ideas on the table and maybe help the department and ourselves.

I will be the first to step out and throw one on the table.

During afternoon/midnight overlap lets put 2 officers in as many cars in zones 2,3,4, and 5 as we can. Less cars driving around means gas saved. With the price of gas almost 3.50 a gallon this can help. Anyone that has workied 2 man units knows it has lots of advantages. Your t94 is always right next to you. Response time may drop some on non-priority calls, but we will save some gas money, save some wear and tear on cars, and I think increase self initiated arrest.

OK crew, that's my idea. Let's see what you got.
