Please remember that items posted to this site that violate the Terms of Use will not be tolerated. In part, this includes posts that are:

"...are unlawful, threatening, obscene, vulgar, pornographic, profane, or indecent, including any communication that constitutes (or encourages conduct that would constitute) a criminal offense, gives rise to civil liability, or otherwise violates any local, state, national, or international law;
are libelous, or an invasion of privacy or publicity rights or any other third party rights; or ..."

Recently, most of these posts have consisted of vicious and personal attacks on one another, true or not, and has definitely violated the above section of the Terms of Use. As you see, some of these posts or specific content has been deleted.

Much of these posts have torn our department apart, and have put people at war with each other. Remember, this is a public site for any and all to see. We've been in the news for negative reasons often enough in the past years, lets not make it any easier for the media to access our dirty laundry.


MOD 494