PCB SSC 08-13 - State LEO Pay Raise Bill
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  1. #1

    PCB SSC 08-13 - State LEO Pay Raise Bill

  2. #2
    And this means what for Ag LAw?

  3. #3
    its the bill to fund raises for ALL state law enforcement.

  4. #4
    I don't think the $2 surcharge will be enough to give a decent raise to all state LEOs, PBA should add other things that would increase money going into the trust fund, other fines, surcharges, etc that the other state Law Enforcement Agencies could impliment for different things.

  5. #5
    Ok let me see if I got this right. FHP is funding their raises through adding a fine for DWLS or something on those lines. The PBA is requesting a raise for all SLEO's and I don't see anything saying where this money is coming from. My suggestion for AG Law is this:

    Why can't we start fining these companies when they are in violation of something. We see the same California companies coming through my station with the same violation and nothing is being done about this. If you call DPI they say most of the time to let the truck to their destination. Why can't AG Law generate revenue by fining these companies. The way I see it that should bring millions to the agency.
    Has PBA thought of this and if not why? If FHP can do it why can't we.

  6. #6
    I thought about that, I think that is a good idea. people (and companies) would be a lot less likely to keep violating if there was some type of fine associated with it. And it would not be a "tax" on law abiding citizens, only a penalty on those who are violating laws and regulations.

  7. #7
    The million dollar question is "How do we get our worthless PBA board to look into this?"

  8. #8

    what raise

    we are not going to get any raise, just quit even thinking about it

  9. #9
    I understand the State is having difficulties rigth now. I didn't expect a raise this year and didn't expect it last year do to the money situation. However, I look at it like this.....If FHP can figure out a way to fund a raise then we should be able to as well. We have the ability to get this done. The problem is PBA. They wanted us until they got us. Makes me think they only wanted to get FHP since they are the only State LEO getting anything. Didn't they get a raise last year. I can't remember. If PBA can't do what needs to be done then we need as a unit to vote them out. All I see from PBA is to be crapped on. They need to get off their A#@ and do what we voted them to do.

  10. #10

    to lazy for a raise

    as long as we all wait for somebody else to do something, we never will get anywhere, just keep sitting in your shack, reading your paper and typing on this board, you might get a $2 a year raise. Get off your a** and check some trucks, get a load (tons) of dope or some illegal tangerines(ha) and maybe somebody will sit up and take notice, ah, you might want to crank up those vacis trucks and use them once in a while

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