Absence of undocumented worker task force - Page 2
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  1. #11

    where is he

    Hey George stopped his "sit ins" at the Commission. Is he working for Roniemac now? That way they could hook up easier.

  2. #12

    I just don't know.

    We will find out just how good and loyal of a friend Harry is to those that helped him get where he is today. My bet is that Harry will not hire George. But then, George may know too much about Harry. Who knows. What most likely will happen is that George will use the Jedi Mind trick on Harry and get hired.

    "I ain't hiring you George. I will lose votes cuz you ain't very well liked in this hare county and this is going to be my toughest election unless my prayers for a hurricane are answered."

    "Harry, you want to hire me and pay me your salary."

    "George, I want to hire you and pay you my salary."

    "Very good Harry. Now smack yourself and give me all you cash and your car keys."

    "Whack!!!!! Ouch! Me hurt myself good. Here's my keys and cash."

  3. #13


    From reading this site and the news Sheriff McNesby has a policy of not pursuing illegals and parole violators. He does pursue the "oldest profession" in Brownsville. Does he have public safety priorities up-side-down or what?

    Sheriff, do you remember the slogan of "Let 'em go Green" in the Judges election? Green lost.

    Slogan suggestion for Sheriff: Let 'em run Ron!"

  4. #14
    When all the "undocumented" workers were roofing at a competative rate not one person complained (after Ivan and Dennis). When this task force has scared away all of the cheap labor in the panhandle don't complain when you have to pay double or triple the price for construction labor. These people are hard workers and only want to live a better life in the greatest country on the planet. I do not agree with them sneaking in no matter what thier race is. They are here and as long as they don't add to the crime rate let them work!

    Just one more thought........I think this "task force" should try to go after the thugs that stole 16 guns from the pawn shop in Milton. How about going after all the thugs commiting home invasions in Destin. Those criminals seem much more violent and a threat to society.

  5. #15
    A criminal is still a criminal. Every effort should be directed to arrest all criminals. Including those you consider hard-working abd pose no real danger to the every day citizen.

    Prostitutes dont believe they are causing anyone any harm.
    Drug delaers dont believe they are causing anyone any har.
    Speeders dont believe they are causing anyone any harm.
    Drunk drivers dont believe they cause anyone any harm.
    People who steal from those they perceive as rich dont believe they are causing anyone any harm.
    People who enter this country illegally dont believe they are causing anyone any harm.

    But, everyone one of them is a criminal. I say write a ticket, lock'em up, and deport those you can. People need to be held accountable for their actions.

  6. #16
    A criminal is still a criminal........you are correct. Lock them all up.....much easier said than done. With the tax cut just passed it will be impossible to muster the manpower to go after these "law breakers" (talking about these mexican and Asian workers) when we have real crime like rapists, murderers, robbers and the many others in this county.

    Another point of intrest is our economic dependence of these workers. They keep our products cheaper. Imagine if all those orange pickers in south Florida were to be paid a fair hourly rate. Add benefits, a retirement and 8 hour 5 day a week work days. It would cost the consumer $5.00 an orange. Be thankful these people work cheap and keep products and services affordable in America. These people do the work that Americans don't want or are unwilling to do.

    What they are doing is wrong but I have a hard time thinking of them as criminals. When the next hurricane hits I hope they return to work in the area. They worked hard and rebuilt most of Pensacola. Its funny that now when they are not "needed" we consider them criminals and want them to return home.

  7. #17


    Cheap labor benefits consumers my azz. Before Ivan it cost around $80 - $100 per square to re-shingle a house. After Ivan it cost $200 - $250 to re-roof a house. After Dennis I hired an established local company who in turn hired a crew of Mexicans. I paid $220 per square. They did not even lay them straight at that. Sorry workmanship. If the Mexican labor worked cheap the savings were not passed on to the consumer.

    Do you think the Mexicans spent much money with local merchants? Do you know how many packed into one house to avoid fair rent? Do you know how many we are feeding in our prisions and how many victims they left in their wake?

    I have no problem with people coming in legally if they are screened properly, speak basic English, and contribute to the overall quality of life.

    Otherwise, they need to be chased back across the Rio.

  8. #18
    So sorry you chose not to "shop around" and got screwed by a reputable company. It does not change the facts that cheap labor and illegals rebuilt the panhandle. Their cheap labor does benefit the consumer. Do some reaserch.

  9. #19
    So because they offer cheap labor and good mexican food it is okay for them to fraudulently obtain and use the SSNs of children, deceased people, and servicemen fighting overseas?

  10. #20
    Hello, my name is Diego Montoya you killed my father, prepare to die!(heavy spanish accent) What movie?

    Don’t be so harsh on the work force man, I mean hell if we could get rid of all the illegal workers, all the worthless bums, all the worthless thugs, all the worthless welfare rats, and a worthless politician who started as a cop. This would be a great county right?

    Now can I have extra guacamole on my chicken chimichanga?

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