Miami police investigate discovery of noose - Page 5
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  1. #41
    Amazing what the effects of a little tunnel vision will do.....Have any of you ignorant indignafied zealots considered that perhaps one of your own might have been preparing a final 06? Properly crafted, a shoe string could possibly hold considerable weight, not much of a swing, but a good dig into the ol'jugular! All this talk of race and sensitivity training...ha! I believe something more heartbreaking was averted by someone not sticking to their own plan. Watch your prisoners and yourselves more kiddies!

  2. #42
    Guess I can't practice my know tying in the bathrooms anymore!

  3. #43
    All kidding aside. An ofc. stated that maybe one of our own was calling for help?
    The ofc. has told a sgt. and I dont know if it was expressed to others but instead of a million to 1,RACE issue,this may be a cop yelling for HELP.

    ALL S.D. officers should receive counsling and lets see if we can help someone before they 44 themselves. It wont be the first or last time.

    So stop the racial considerations and look into who needs help at S.D.S.S before its too late!!!!!

  4. #44
    well i guess that the boy scout meeting will be moved

  5. #45


    To the so called black officer who replied on 1-17-08 @ 16:06 and to the so called FOP Prez. You two do not speak for me.
    The only person that can verbalize what was really meant by the shoestring display is the person that placed it there. I'm sure that DNA could help find individual.
    With that being said, the south station in general does have a problem with racist officers. Who knows if this was a racist act or not, but since the damage has been done, the issue needs to be addressed.
    When Latin and white officers use the word or term "******" in a bigoted way when speaking to citizens, offenders or coworkers. IT’S A PROBLEM.
    The south end is known for this, the word should never be used by ANYONE.
    People make excuses for this practice when it happens and except it with ease, as oppose to addressing the lost souls that feel as though their better based on their own ignorance.
    For those of you who sit here and fool yourselves in believing that racism does not exist in this department need to wake up, because it does.
    For the fools like Armando (FOP President) who try to sweep it under the rug, you do it for a reason, you’re probably a racist.
    To the black officer that would totally disregard a racist act, you really need to brush up on your history. YOU SHOULD NEVER FORGET WHAT YOUR FOREFATHERS WERE MURDERED FOR AND DIED FOR. When ignorant people mock what your parents, grandparents and ancestors suffered through, it should be addressed and dealt with. Do not loose your identity and become jaded because of this uniform. We should all be able to get along, but when someone attempts to insult or attack my race or any race, it should be dealt with. Especially when done in a bias manner.
    We all for some dumb azz reason believe that there's something better or special about ours particular race than other races. But when one begin to openly express their thoughts in a demeaning way; they need to be dealt with.
    The SDSS needs to be dealt with.
    Oh and last note: Mr. Moss quit feeding to the media, those idiots know what a noose signifies.

  6. #46
    Hey my brother,you need a drink.
    Stop living in the past and get on board or you will miss this train of progress.

    Obama has proven that what you need to do is STOP looking at your skin and find your SOUL!
    White folks voted for him not cause he is black but because he is smart and not HUNG UP on RACE. There goes your brilliant analysis on race relations.
    The brothers who work,study and worry about their family aint concerned with this B.S. noose in the TOILET. Go back to work or keep following the hate mongers.
    Bigots come in ALL colors! You feel me??
    Grow up already!!!

  7. #47
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    I cant believe this is still going on. Look, it's nothing but a couple of old shoe laces in the form of a loop. NOTHING MORE ! So quit trying to make a racist thing out of it !

    Thats it ! It is not in any way a hangmans noose. Remember the original photo? Now look what has happened,the media replaced the photo,with ANOTHER one, that resembles a noose. If someone wanted to create a situation like this don't you think they would have done a better job than a pathetic little shoe lace loop, in a handicapped toilet ?

    The only thing wrong(rotten) here is, the black Sgt that found it, and then decided to create this entire fantasy,and somehow, got others to believe it. Somehow, as he was sitting there,he decided that it looked like a noose ? Who knows,maybe those were his shoelaces ? Actually, thats another point of view,think about it.

    Create,a situation like this,and before you know it, you have made yourself invincible,(and famous)with the department, and the city! Anytime you do anything wrong in the future ,cry "foul" and get away with it,as you can say: "they are picking on me for reporting this alleged racist act" ! Or better yet, you can put yourself on the fast track towards your next promotion,or transfer to the unit of your choice ! I know how the 4th floor thinks ! Watch this guy in the future,he will go far with the MPD.

    This whole thing is a fairy tale. But don't you just love, how all these morons respond,and salivate over this ,especially the media !

  8. #48
    hey i stepped on a broken coconut by the rear gate but i cant yell santeria cause nobody ever believes the latinos

  9. #49
    Did they find a Gerbil in the bathroom?.....

  10. #50
    To the "African American MPD" who posted on 1/21/08 at 21:55 I am that other black officer who wrote the previous post. To start off, the ones who need to stop using the word "****** or what my boys call each other "*****", is us African Americans. We are the first to use that derogatory term, and yes I have used it before. When other black folks use it with each other, it empowers other to feel it is okay to use tht term. And as for our ancestor, I am very aware of the past and there isn't a day that doesn’t go by that I recognize all the hard times. But there isn't a single person old enough in this department to have ever participated in any of those sick times. We are all brothers, at times I catch my self thinking that we the blacks are at times more racist because we live and the PAST. And we are in 2008. not the mid 90's.

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