Your Sheriff is a ******* - Page 3
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  1. #21
    To 23 years on the job...ref your comment: It wasn't necessary to chase this vehicle and or KNOWN suspect from the very beginning!

    The driver was not the suspect...someone totally different. I do agree that the chase should have been monitored better and called off when it became dangerous to others. As for the speed of deputy vehicles which I saw posted in different sections...they are monitored as well. Personally I think way too many deputies were suspended - no need to take it out on everyone, especially since most were doing their job and were allowed to continue. Unfortunately, only 1 sergeant was reprimanded when 2 districts were involved.

  2. #22
    No body special,

    I agree in whole with you on your response. Its truly sad that, that many LEO 's were punished. Im very aware of your speed(s) being monitored. Our agency has the very same monitoring system. Technology is very much becoming the BIG BROTHER! But, when the dust settles and all is said and done, it just comes down to one thing, one blame, one responsibility, and thats the driver of each vehicle. You have to be honest with me here and see through this for which its painted! Common Sense!

  3. #23
    Thats my post above this one. I forgot to put my name in the blank..

  4. #24
    The sheriff did the right thing, He had all of the FACTS he had policy and training sheets for this year that showed that each of these people were trained in the pursuit policy. (and by the way he can do his own investigations because he is the one that order an investigation)Let's chase a stolen RENTAL car. For what reason???? Let's destroy four cruisers at a cost of $20,000.00 for some jack off in a RENTAL CAR do the math...23 years on the job is right and these guys are lucky that they did not KILL them selfs or someone else....Unless you have the BALLS to go to the Sheriff and tell him he is wrong. Stop hiding behind this message board.

  5. #25
    Oh, by the way, I heard - from a inside source that this suspect was known to all as a local thug--they know him, they know where he resides.. This crucial information was known about him even before the chase actually began!! So why even chase him? You can always walk a warrant through the very next day! This suspect didn't commit a forcible felony!

    I was involved in that incident and for your information the suspect info that was in the bolo wasn't the same guy driving the car. Sorry to burst your bubble there. I understand that pursuing deputies did violate policies but to be this harsh for us doing our jobs....

  6. #26
    I also think it was unfair to suspend the deputies that responded to intersections to block traffic. That warrants a day off ??????

  7. #27
    To Let It Go, the sheriff had all the facts? Thats funny, I was one of the the deputies sitting in the room with the sheriff when he gave us the speech. He gave one deputy the day off for responding to the chase on his M.D.T. and not broadcasting his responce on PTL1. If you do work with us you would know it is not possible to dispatch yourself to a call on the M.D.T. and if the sheriff pulled the audio tapes from PTL1 they would have heard him state that he was the very first unit to check out with the chase. That is the only thing that the sheriff could make up because the deputy's AVL wasn't working. The sheriff also tried to fry him for his AVL not working and had the garage staff and tech support investigate wheather he tampered with it. Its sad when he had to make up reasons to give guys time off.

  8. #28

    Commom sense

    Hey depd1,

    So you agree that you violated policy? Thats a start, thats where the learning curve comes into play. Now learn from this and realize that its not about mass punishment. Its too bad you dont like the mass punishment, but thats life in the sheriff's office. You either go with the flow and take it on the chin, or I hear the world needs more Bar Tenders!!

    Keep in mind sport! That running your vehicles at high rates of speed, chasing a sig-10 What the hell were you guys thinking?? Okay Okay I give you the fact that you were trying to do your job, but (here I go again explaining this) COMMON SENSE has to be a part of decision making.

    Just ask yourself this one question, during that chase did it ever cross your mind, flash before your eyes, a beam of light--thinking -- THIS DOESNT LOOK GOOD!! Somewhere in your gut did you get this feeling of "OH SHIT" If it did, then someday my fellow LEO you'll make a good supervisor, and or FTO.

  9. #29
    You violated POLICY Period.....

  10. #30
    I'll admit that I got tunnel vision and was focused on catching the bad guy. I'm a big boy and will face my punishment. My actions were mine and I have no problem taking my time off but for the other guys that had no involvement in the chase and responded to the area to block intersections, they did not deserve to get the time off.

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