Your Sheriff is a ******* - Page 2
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  1. #11
    To PINELLIS COP sounds like a member of the command staff. Punish one Sergeant because HIS PEOPLE weren't truthful; what about the other Sgt who was an active particpant that recieved no punishment? Is this because he tried to call off a couple of units (but still had time to try and put down stop sticks), meanwhile another deputy who responded and was NOT a participant loses a day; Please explain the FUll story behind this command staff member, so we can quell all of the speculation.

  2. #12
    Oh i forgot to add that one of the previous Sgts even took another Sgt.s car and radio # for being a ratboy.Joke..thankk god i only have a few years left.

  3. #13

    Adhere to Policy. !

    IN this day and age, the chase should have been cancelled. Sgt should have called it and deputies who violated policy dealt with only.
    Too many rogue cops, its not like the old days!

  4. #14
    What's the reason for the media being notified. Why throw all those names into the newspaper? There is no reason to have a press conference on this issue. Anyone that runs from the police should be chased. That guy could have just killed his family. Just take a look at that trooper that pulled over that idiot who killed his 2 kids, ex wife and her partner. Based on FHP policy he wouldn't have been able to chase if that guy ran because the trooper didn't know who he was stopping.

    Suspended 13 guys for this is going way too far. Now this goes into their files. Now we have less officers on the road for those given days.

    Don't second guess yourself because this happened. Second guessing will get you or someone innocent hurt or killed.

  5. #15

    Senseless road chase!

    Bottom line my fellow LEO brothers and Sisters, Did they (13) Deputies go through a yearly block training required by FDLE on pursuit driving, and policies of HCSO? Were they schooled on this topic by trained instructors within their own agency? Did they sign a document UNDERSTANDING THE POLICY? Need I say more on this ragged topic!

    Oh, by the way, I heard - from a inside source that this suspect was known to all as a local thug--they know him, they know where he resides.. This crucial information was known about him even before the chase actually began!! So why even chase him? You can always walk a warrant through the very next day! This suspect didn't commit a forcible felony!

    I say, stop looking to blame Sheriff Nugget, and stop for a minute and realize the totality of the entire situation. If you're mature enough, you'll see it clear that this was nothing more then senseless, immature thinking behind the wheel for 13 deputies from start to finish.

    Stop your whining and *****ing to the FOP - Their there to help you if you're in a JAM, but this was clearly a gross violation of the pursuit policey!!

  6. #16
    Hey 23 yrs on the job.....what excatly is the pursuit policy? Do you know? When was the last time you read it? According to the policy, no violations occurred. This policy is so broad that anything you do in a pursuit can be scrutinized by the Sheriff or anyone of the higher ups, which is more likely to happen. I believe it is that broad because then they can "knee-jerk" react and suspend people at will and tell the press all about it.

  7. #17
    They will never put anything in black and white on what to do because then they dont have a scapegoat.Even for certain calls,if someone complains then you are scrutinized.

  8. #18

    no argument, just trying to open some eyes on common sense


    Are you here in this forum to dispute the policy? or Dispute the real fact that this chase wasnt necessary? You fire back a statement saying, and I'll quote you here "This policy is so broad that anything you do in a pursuit can be scrutinized by the Sheriff or anyone of the higher ups, which is more likely to happen" With that being said - take a step back and realize what I said in my first post. I said, Why even chase him if they knew him, knew where he resides and most important, did he commit any forcible felony? The chase wasn't necessary for listed reasons. Its just comes right down to " Is this going to effect me later after all the Monday night quarterbacking "Knee Jerking"? Truly guys, this chase should have ended 30 seconds after it started. Realize that a policy is nothing more then a living document, and for those that understand what Im saying here, please chime in and help the newer LEOs to understand for future decision making. Once again, I agree with you about the policy being broad, same is true where I work right now-policy books are nothing more than a guide line. But with that being said, there has to be some common sense in the person behind the wheel too--some where during that chase, one of you had to slap yourself and say "Ohhh shit! This is bad, this is going to go down bad in the end" -- Thats common sense talking to you!

    Just so you know, I did work for HCSO a long time ago. Most of your administrators that you have now were my zone partners back in the day. I worked the road many years, and during that time I was a FTO. I was the hardest FTO the agency had back in those days - there are some that road with me that are now your supervisors, and believe me I didn't cut anyone slack. I had a couple topics that i drilled into my recruits, report writing, never give up your gun- with many scenarios, and vehicle pursuits. The vehicle pursuits I drilled into them to use common sense-I always told them to "weight the moment-minus the rush-and is it worth it in the very end"

    The problem I see today - even with my agency, is that you have rookies as FTOs. Some FTOs today are less then 2 or 3 years on the road and they're teaching the new guys coming in. How in the world can a new guy get a thorough understanding from a rookie FTO. Its ridiculous!

  9. #19
    When that deputy crashed his patrol car into that Lexus truck and injured those two people the chase became a focible felony.

    Same way those two idiots were charged with the murder of two troopers after they crashed into trees and died.

  10. #20

    lets all learn from this


    This is going no where. I cant get you to understand that the "Initial reasons for the chase" were the crucial determining point to cease-end the pursuit. It wasn't necessary to chase this vehicle and or KNOWN suspect from the very beginning! Just because they crashed doesn't make it CORRECT or RIGHT to chase. It should have ended long before the crash. Civil Court is going to have a field day. The families of that Lexus will prevail.

    Who ever you are "Guest" I truly hope your a rookie, and can walk away from all this with some knowledge to bestow upon future LEOs. If your a senior deputy of HCSO, I sincerely hope you're not one of my recruits from back in the day. I know I didn't teach you reckless and disregard for the general public.

    I left HCSO in 1995

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