New 911 Firing
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Thread: New 911 Firing

  1. #1

    New 911 Firing

    I guess the new 911 director only wants to supervise women. I heard he fired the only man that worked at the center over some silly stuff. Didn't the new supervisor do the same stuff last week? Does anyone have any details. Did the guy know more than his boss. I guess they really are against progress. Hell, it's our lives he is putting at risk.

  2. #2

    Re: New 911 Firing

    Quote Originally Posted by GUESTagain
    I guess the new 911 director only wants to supervise women. I heard he fired the only man that worked at the center over some silly stuff. Didn't the new supervisor do the same stuff last week? Does anyone have any details. Did the guy know more than his boss. I guess they really are against progress. Hell, it's our lives he is putting at risk.

  3. #3


    The original post was bad, does not look like anyone was fired.

  4. #4
    Yes they were! Fired over the phone. Profesional huh?

  5. #5
    It's my understanding that there are 2 men there but they are only part-time, the full-time male was fired.

    The one part-timer has resigned from her job in Clay County, atleast she didn't walk out in the middle of a shift like she did in Cherokee County a few years back.
    Seems strange how the county can rehire an individual with this kind of employment history. Is she part of the GOB?

  6. #6

    Keeping them Honest

    You have deputies taking report calls that can be taken over the telephone. A theft which has already occurred days ago many times does not need a deputy. So many calls are being answered by deputies at salaries of $18.00 and up. It would be best to put these deputies to investigate cases that are back logged. The sheriff and his management team is clueless on how to manage their resources. So many ways to make better use of the patrol officers. They go from report call to report call, wasting fuel, and being paid outrageous salaries. A civilian can be hired to take these report calls. But, our sheriff continues to ask for more positions...what a joke! The tax payers are being taken!

    With the new 911 director being from South Florida, has he never heard of taking reports by phone and has he never heard of Public Service Aids to take reports and do crime scene work. You can pay these PSA's half the salaries. Regardless, everyone at the sheriff office has had their salaries almost doubled in the last two years. Secretaries on wheels is all they are at salaries beyond reason.

    Maybe this may wake them up....DO YOU HEAR THIS 911 DIRECTOR?

  7. #7
    Could someone tell me what the 911 director has to do with this?

  8. #8

    Plausible denial

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Could someone tell me what the 911 director has to do with this?
    You see everyone in the public safety arena shares responsibility to the people. Anyone working for the county with knowledge of improper procedure, or misconduct makes them as guilty as their leader. Granted the sheriff is the ultimate person responsible for public safety issues, but everyone inherits responsibility by proxy. Plausible denial is not an option you deputies will be able to use as an excuse in the future.

  9. #9


    Why is the sheriff and many others so paranoid these days.

  10. #10
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Keeping them Honest

    They go from report call to report call, wasting fuel, and being paid outrageous salaries. A civilian can be hired to take these report calls. But, our sheriff continues to ask for more positions...what a joke! The tax payers are being taken! ???

    You've got be kidding me!! OUTRAGEOUS SALARIES??

    Me, the Lousy Cop
    Well Mr. Citizen, I guess you have figured me out. I seem to fit neatly into the category you place me in. I'm stereotyped, characterized, standardized, classified, grouped, and always typical. I'm the "lousy" cop.

    Unfortunately, the reverse isn't true. I can never figure you out.

    From birth you teach your children that I am a person to be wary of...and then you're shocked when they identify me with my traditional enemy, the criminal.

    You accuse me of coddling juvenile criminals, until I catch your kid doing something.

    You may take an hour for lunch and several coffee breaks each day, but point me out as a loafer if you see me having just one cup.

    You pride yourself on your polished manners, but think nothing of interrupting my meals with your troubles.

    You raise hell about the guy who cuts you off in traffic, but let me catch you doing the same thing and I'm picking on you.

    You know all the traffic laws, but never got one ticket you deserved.

    You shout "Foul!" if you observe me driving fast enroute to an emergency call, but literally raise hell if I take more than ten seconds responding to your call.

    You call it "part of my job" if someone strikes me. But its "police brutality" if I strike back.

    You wouldn't think of telling your dentist how to pull a badly decayed tooth, or your doctor how to take out your appendix, but you are always willing to give me pointers on law enforcement.

    You talk to me in a manner and use language that would assure a bloody nose from anyone else, but you expect me to stand there and take it without batting an eye.

    You cry, "Something has to be done about all the crime!" but you can't be bothered with getting involved.

    You've got no use for me at all, but, of course, it's OK if I change a tire for your wife, deliver your baby in the back seat of my patrol car on the way to the hospital, save your son's life with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, or work many hours overtime to find your lost daughter.

    So, Dear Citizen, you stand there on your soapbox and rant and rave about the way I do my job, calling me every name in the book, but never stop a minute to think that your property, your family, or maybe your life might depend on one thing - me, or one of my buddies.

    Yes, me, the lousy cop.

    - Author unknown

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