Perhaps the the Department of Justice should be requested to investigate such charges against a Sheriff.
If false, then the sheriff should persue slander/libel charges.
If true, then this poor excuse of a LEO should be charged with abuse of powers and he and his croonies removed from office.
LEOs are to serve and protect.
Sounds like some LEOs would rather pull females over so that the civilian females can "service" the LEOs.

More and more civilians are arming themselves with digital video/audio recorders much like LEOs have in their patrol cars which is activated when the strobes are turned on.

I recently appeared in a Kangaroo Court over bogus traffic charges where the LEOs actions were captured on my DVR inside my vehicle, complete with audio that captured the LEOs less than professional language directed at me. It made an interesting front page story.

My case was dismissed.....and the LEO terminated.


I admin a board too and fully realize the electronic foot-print I leave behind. I urge caution before you attempt to engage me in some sort of "cyber-war" or you may find yourself with more publicity than you or your superiors desire.
Nuff said.