Questions on 911 hiring

Our commission chairman, Jonathan ****ey, has said that he had “nothing to do with the hiring of Mr. Cannan, so help me God.” David Sumpter said the commissioners have nothing to do with hiring and firing.

Well, as my mother used to say – everybody who believes that, stand on your head.

If the commissioners have nothing to do with hiring and firing, then why do they go into “closed session” to talk personnel matters at every board meeting? I think that maybe they should read their job description and learn exactly what they should be doing.

And I wonder what David Badger is hiding. The big man in town is not going to talk about the hiring anymore. Well, someone should talk about it. It sounds like he’s been caught with the cookie crumbs on his face, even though he continues to deny taking the cookies.

Are you all proud of the new 911 supervisor? ...

I’ve heard that it’s OK for him to make mistakes, but if an employee makes a mistake they have been told that they will be fired. And respect? From what I hear, a lot of the people working for him do not respect him, and they do not like having to train him on the equipment. Who does like having to train someone making more money than they are?

Let’s see – we’ve been told that he was the “best qualified?” It’s a shame our county leaders have no pride in the work they are doing and no conscious about the way they spend our money. It’s no wonder our taxes are going out of sight. By the time their terms end, they will have this county so far in debt we will be digging our way out of it for a long time. Maybe they plan to move out of the county after they’ve done their damage and leave the rest of us taxpayers holding the bag.