Merger info II - Page 12
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Thread: Merger info II

  1. #111


    [quote="Guest"]The merger ain't happening. Just wishful thinking. There is a lot new guys willing to replace the dead wood. A lot of apps being filled out in HR fellas. I even heard we got one or two coming back. So all the malcontent ones can leave. We got warm bodies coming in to replace ya. Good luck!


  2. #112

    To the previous IQ of 5 moron quote

    Whoever this moron is must not be following the recent events?

    Vote=Yes Signed Contract=Yes

    Now go back to elementary school and help yourself. Read newspapers, do your best to get your IQ a bit higher than 5. You are on the "plus or minus" IQ list. :devil:

    For the rest of us "Lake Worth Deputies". We Made It !!! :snicker:

    Quote Originally Posted by gUEST 1111
    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Quote Originally Posted by "LW Gal":3rga00v3
    You hit the nail right on the head GreenMeadows. The PBA reps are all sgt's. They dont have the same interests as the rest of us do.
    Everyone shouldn't of voted for SGT's. No one learns.
    Hey morons, more officers should have run. 5 people ran and all won. Go talk to your rep and ask for a meeting.
    Hey you have one officer as a rep RB, he will back you not like the rest .[/quote:3rga00v3]

  3. #113

    Re: Merger info II

    Hey everyone WELCOME, I was at the LW City Commission meeting last night and saw your soon to be ex-chief try one more of his attempts to block the merger, how pathetic, now we all can see what kind of person he really is. It was so obvious that he is only out for himself.

    I heard that earlier in the day he sent an e-mail to city officials stating nothing but opinions and false figures in an attempt to get them not to vote for the merger, only to later on in the day attempt to recall the e-mail or have his name removed from it.

    It was great to see him squirm when he was called on the carpet at the city commission meeting and asked if he wrote the e-mail, and like he has done in the past, he attempted not to take responsibility for the entire content, boy talk about no backbone !!!!

    Well that type of management is gone, you now have a boss that will back you and do what is right for the agency, it’s employees and the citizens they are here to protect.

    For those of you that were at the meeting you saw the persons (KW, DM, TL, just to name a few) that were huddled around the chief at first but once the vote was completed and the merger was a fact they were the first to kiss up to the sheriff office brass at the meeting, boy they surely showed their true colors. These are the individuals that we have to watch because we may be able to change the color of their uniforms but we will never change their methods of playing both sides of the fence.

    Anyways welcome to the PBSO family.

  4. #114

    Re: Merger info II

    Thanks to the poster at 08/27/08 at 1725 GREEN GREEN.

    Now every one can see what we had to put up with this chief for years. I know that the PBA knows the kind of BS this chief can come up with as they have experienced it over the years.

    I have to say to the soon to be ex-chief, hey Bill you bought this all about yourself.
    You didn’t care about your employees or the city and its citizens, you only cared about yourself and the few puppets around you.

    The vote we conducted at the PD for the merger was actually a vote of NO CONFIDENCE on you because we were tired of seeing you drag the department we all love so much to into the ground.

    When you came here you removed the employee suggestion boxes, saying you didn’t need anyone telling you how to run your department. (WRONG)

    You then took away our officer of the month program and even had your friend Kelly attempt to throw away the officer of the month name board, which was proudly displayed, in our lobby. (WRONG)

    You then removed all of the Citizens on Patrol volunteers from our building and you even stopped the Citizens Academy program. (WRONG)

    When the residents of zone 4 requested you to attend their neighborhood meetings to hear their concerns, you refused to show up or have any department from the department go in your place. (WRONG)

    Then you convinced certain members to get rid of the PBA because you couldn’t control who they defended or didn’t defend. And once the new union was in (FOP) they showed you that they could not be controlled by you either, again you had them removed and changed back to the PBA. (WRONG)

    When crime was increasing in the city you attempted to hide this fact by reclassify reports, and not being a leader and redirecting some resources.

    We needed a breath of fresh air for a long time, now that the merger is a done deal your probably sitting there asking yourself what happened and where did I go wrong? = Refer to above.

    The answer is simple look in the mirror after reading this and MAN UP, remember an important lesson.

    Oh by the way, the union/PBA that you fought so hard to get rid of is back and not only did they play a very important part of getting rid of you, but they made sure that you weren’t taken into the sheriffs office because of your antics.

    So like the old saying goes, don’t go away mad, just go away.

  5. #115

    Re: Merger info II

    I want to thank the City Commission on voting out the police chief and voting in the SO, with the new process and policing along with its many recourses we can now give the attention to the cities many concerns and move this city forward.

    With the change the citizens won’t only see a color change in the uniforms and stripes down the sides of its cars they will see a “I care attitude”. Don’t get me wrong we have always had this inside but we weren’t aloud to direct these energies because of the “old type of thinking around the department”.

    We have such good people hear some young and old but we needed such change in thinking and management.

    Thanks again.

  6. #116

    Re: Merger info II

    I want to thank the City Commission on voting out the police chief and voting in the SO, with the new process and policing along with its many recourses we can now give the attention to the cities many concerns and move this city forward.

    With the change the citizens won’t only see a color change in the uniforms and stripes down the sides of its cars they will see a “I care attitude”. Don’t get me wrong we have always had this inside but we weren’t aloud to direct these energies because of the “old type of thinking around the department”.

    We have such good people hear some young and old but we needed such change in thinking and management.

    Thanks again.

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