Who would you like to run for Sheriff?
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  1. #1

    Who would you like to run for Sheriff?

    OK, I will throw this out there and let you guys and gals run with it. It is your agency, who would you like to see run for the office of Sheriff in Pinellas County?

    I keep hearing pros and cons, not happy with any of the candidates, blah blah blah. Who would you like to see run for the office? Maybe, just maybe there is someone waiting in the wings with the experience waiting for a show of support. Perhaps there is another Grady Judd or Sheriff Gee out there who is just interested in getting the job done, and being straightforward about it with the troops.

    What are your thoughts? Who is your candidate?

  2. #2
    I would like to see Car2, He says that he is leaving anyway. and he has been working with his hands tied behind his back since he was appointed to the Car2 postion.

    I have a feeling that there will be others who come in under the deadline.

    Hey F O P, any chance the media might get the word out...

  3. #3

    guess who

    Why not SC, or SK or whatever her name is? Seems like she can do whatever she wants anyways.

  4. #4


    how about kimberlin for sheriff

  5. #5
    We used to talk about Ingold running. Don't know if that's an option anymore.

  6. #6
    The right man is running. His name is Mike Peasley. That is all.

  7. #7
    How bout a tag team Sheriff; Rick Baker and Goliath Davis. :lol: They could expand the Southside all the way up to Tarpon Springs. Of course, the Uhuru's would be the civilian review board, to ensure the drug dealers get what they feel they deserve. Freedom and Cash.

  8. #8
    I think Lt. Mike Ring should throw in. He is a straight shootin, true law enforcement guy that would get this place running on all cylinders.

  9. #9
    Jesus could throw his hat in the mix and you dumb azzes with your freakin four year degrees and short sleeve shirt obsession, and pimples, would carve him to shreds. Now shut it and go run your errands while you wish you had weekends off after being here one year. That is all. Mike Peasley for Sheriff.

  10. #10
    Beef Neck Loudmouth for Sheriff baby!!

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