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  1. #1


    Wow...you all must be very proud,,,especially the Officer "starring" in that garbage. WTF is going on in good ol Clearwater?? Used to be famous for your beaches,,,now vying for national attention with St. Shitholesburg for all the wrong reasons. Is it really that outa control there??? Your tourism officials must be cringing...

  2. #2
    have you been to the beach lately? have you been down gulf to bay? sparkling clearwater has been transformed into a dirty small city full of illegals and an ever growing ghetto. sad.

  3. #3
    Does the city have a HUGE street sweeper? Alot of crap to be flushed!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Are you reading this and hearing the message, Mr. Mayor and council???

  5. #5
    I used to frequent Clearwater in the 80's and thought the City was great even though I was a Dunedin Falcon. Business took me to the downtown area recently and as I drove my jaw dropped. The appearance has gone to hell and as one of the post stated what used to be known as the "greenwood" area seems to have grown by 100 x's. It has extended north, possibly into Dunedin and south way past Cleveland. The area where the old Clearwater mall used to be is a cess pool. I feel sorry for the officers that have to work in an environment that appears to becoming more like St. Pete everyday. As Lenny Briscoe stated, what the hell is the Mayor and Counsel doing. Your City is going to hell.

  6. #6
    I'm retired CPD and cannot believe the direction the city has gone. It didn't set in until reading the last post. But upon reflecting after my retirement in early 2000, looking back to how it was in the 70's and 80's into the 90's, it is startling. I wonder if Clearwater is a mere reflection of the entire country??? Really scary. I guess the hood gone wild thing is what they call in St. Pete as "good wholesome fun" Where do we draw the line and say enough is enough. My god, the standards in this Country tumble lower everyday. Take care people in Blue.

  7. #7
    The whole thing is disgusting and embarrassing. Buncha dope dealing, murdering, thug-azz punks have no respect for anything including their own community. Start by picking up some of your own litter, oh sorry you be on da back enda a blunt in da hood gone wild. Yeah thats how I really feel :evil:

  8. #8
    Well stated, abit crude but the truth. Citizens need to start getting edumacated :shock:

  9. #9
    Alot of that crap was scripted by the so called producers. Still, it's slowly getting out of control. Lock and load.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Alot of that crap was scripted by the so called producers. Still, it's slowly getting out of control. Lock and load.
    LMAO, some of you are really stupid... I am the producer... What exactly was scripted other then the middle intro pieces and some of the girls dancing? The fights weren't... The racist crooked ass cops weren't...

    Don't be afraid of the truth... Do something to help the situation if it bothers you that much. No one gave a damn about how it is down there until last week, now all of a sudden we're the bad ones because we've shown the world how it really is in the hood? Tough break ya'll...

    Our mission, since the begining, was to shed light on this subject... MISSION ACCOMPLISHED...


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