detective division?
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  1. #1

    detective division?

    i'm just curious as to your thoughts on the detective division there, I work for the S.O and heard we'd be joining forces shortly.

  2. #2
    Like frosted flakes,,,they RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR great!

    seriously everyone gets along with each other here. Very little seperation between units. Some try to divide the untis but the group over there now is ggod guys. They come out on hot calls without being called and even run back ups for us now and then on the BS calls if we're all tied up.

  3. #3
    Yea those guys are great go getters, always sitting on go ready to leap at a chance to help thier other department members. I'm proud to say they are the best at what they do. They are all very agressive in thier duties and are always ready to go the extra mile. They are perfect role models for the rest of the department. They are all very proud of the Bartow Police Department. They are always more than willing to help. A group of professionals which cannot be matched or replaced.
    Good job guys, your the Best.

  4. #4


    i believe only detectives posted a response here, because i know for a fact patrol dosent all feel that way about db. and whoever posted the comment about db backing us up and comming to hot calls, what the f@!% are you talking about. i cant even get the oncall to come out when needed.

  5. #5
    The orignal guys was a troll. everyone new the detectives were posting. stop being a troll bait and responding to peoples games.

  6. #6

    me me me

    Must not really be a supervisor. The fact is, we have to respond when you ask, whether or not we agree with it. And another little fact, just because you dont always see the detective, doesn't mean he didn't respond and was in the area if needed. We are here for our brothers and sisters in patrol. We have never, denied help to anyone, ever.

  7. #7
    i will say i have seen all but one of the detectives come out and help when something big goes down on day shift. and every now and again there are maybe two that would help out if you called them at night. but that one D.R. ive heard he has made the comments its not my job to help or patrol work is below me. his attitude is well known amongst the patrol division and it wont be forgotten. i think its time he comes back and gets him a couple days of humpin calls, i wasn't here then but i heard he was a bit%$ on the road any way.

  8. #8
    I dont know where you are getting your information but DR is a great Detective and a great leader of this department. He will go out of his way to help. He is always the first step up and help. He has never said anythng which would lead people to believe he is above patrol work. He would gladly go back to patrol in a heartbeat, and be one of the best. He is the master at solving cases, especially the truly difficult ones. He will be the first to strap on a patrol uniform and be there for the patrol folks. DR is the best. Keep up the great work you are doing and please continue to be the leader you are being for this department DR, it will be what you are remembered for.

  9. #9
    see folks even DR is not above tooting his own horn you selfish, pompous, A$$ the only one who could belive what you wrote is you the rest of us are not buying your bs

  10. #10


    No, I have never been one to hide my feelings or thoughts as others have. Its really too bad. I will compare my stats on the road to anyone elses anytime. When I worked the road, I enjoyed it immensely and shared a friendship with my squad that just doesn't seem to exist anymore.

    I have and do respond as much as any one else in DB to hot calls, and those words have never come out of my mouth. But you can believe what you will, it doesn't effect me other than to sadden me on what some have become.

    If you have a problem, why not be a man or woman and approach me instead of hiding like a coward. I get along with 95% of the patrol division; however, there will always be a few who have a bone to pick. Ya know its funny, I always thought my worst was with a guy named Peter Wiley, but the fact is, he would never print something like that, even if he did believe it. He is just a little more professional than that. Lately, it seems we have both tried to let by gone be by gones. You however, obviously have a problem with me. Thats fine and I cant change your mind over night. Just keep in mind, when you call for help I will be there. When you wake me at 2 am, i will respond and not have a negative word to say. And when your in trouble, ill have your back. Too bad you cant say the same.

    Detective Reynolds

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