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Thread: hiring?

  1. #1


    u guys opening up any time soon for laterals, non-certified? Also, what is the staus on contract negotiations and work morale? Thanks.

  2. #2
    in general moral sucks thanks to the new major and rookie SGTs.

  3. #3
    Go look for another department, this one sucks, dont get caught up on what our department used to be. Now a days no one cares about the officer and moral could not be worst. As if they have forgotten that we are people too.

  4. #4
    your right brother, this is getting bad fast. Our ROOKIE Major H. is not helping with this 12hr work day crap either. I wounder what other SMART ideas he has in store for us!

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by gables po
    your right brother, this is getting bad fast. Our ROOKIE Major H. is not helping with this 12hr work day crap either. I wounder what other SMART ideas he has in store for us!

    Isn't it ironic how certain CGPD supervisors like Hudak and Masington were perfectly content with the way things were UNTIL they were promoted? All of the sudden, they want to change everything (ie; Hiring Standards, Uniforms, Promotion Process, 12 Hr Work Schedule, Ticket Quotas, etc.). It appears they want to keep everyone down while they continue climbing to the top. The sad, pathetic and most painful reality is that Hudak and Masington are not alone because MOST of our leaders and supervisors haven't got a clue how to be effective managers, supervisors, and leaders. The recent string of bank robberies plaguing Coral Gables provides a perfect example of inept leadership and supervision. Specifically, the last two robberies, which incidentally occurred within a stones throw of the Police Station, are both glaring examples. CGPD had adequate on-duty police resources available but our incompetent supervisors, including the communications desk, couldn't get their act together to help us apprehend the offenders. You don't believe me? Just submit a public information request for the dispatch and call desk audio tapes, along with a printed communication time sheet and I promise, you'll become a believer. Critical BOLO information, dispatch, response times, assignments, perimeter area size, location, selection, assignment, search, containment, and the overall discourse, disorganization and general confusion was UGLY to put it simple! CGPD must have look like a bunch of Keystone Cops! I am ashamed and embarrassed to admit that I also contributed in these fruitless efforts. I recommend our leaders and supervisors concentrate more on self-development rather than screwing around with their most important resource...US!

  6. #6
    Great statement, I think you hit the nail right on the head.


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