Brothers unite - Page 2
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Thread: Brothers unite

  1. #11
    Your observations and accusations are very ambiguous. You sound more ike a political rival of the Sheriff than someone who is concerned with improving the agency.

    There is only one reason that you would attempt to figure out who is making these posts. That is to intimidate that person. “I better quit posting or the anti-administration people might figure out who I am and attack me personally.”

    Anyone who cares about the agency and wants to be a supervisor should be very interested in this stuff and should have an opinion.

    P.S. I couldn't care less who you are. I am only concerned with making sure that misinformation doesn’t go unchallenged (to care would be vindictive, immature or unprofessional).

  2. #12
    P.S. I couldn't care less who you are. I am only concerned with making sure that misinformation doesn’t go unchallenged (to care would be vindictive, immature or unprofessional).

    Yet you act just that way. And you are the one who publishes the misinformation, trying to lead everyone to believe how wonderful the administration, and their supporters such as yourself, are. In fact, the opposite is the absolute truth. The administration, and their blind supporters such as you, are exactly what is driving this agency to sudden ruin. Of course, you are just like him......

    Accept credit for the good, but not responsibility for the bad!

  3. #13
    Once again, your post is ambiguous. Probably politically motivated more than anything else.

    You must be working against the Sheriff.

  4. #14
    and what is wrong with working toward a better future. It is very apparent a better future for the mass is one without BW while a better future for the few is with him.

    I guess the 15 or so supporters he has in his own agency are more important than the rest.

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