Extra cones? - Page 3
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Thread: Extra cones?

  1. #21
    I didn't believe this thread myself until I came into your office. It looked like a DOT storage unit. I know you aren't happy that your office is being used for storage but it really is funny....

  2. #22
    I didn't believe this thread myself until I came into your office. It looked like a DOT storage unit. I know you aren't happy that your office is being used for storage but it really is funny....

  3. #23
    Ha Ha very funny. J.R. you are a punk. I know this was you posting. You came by my office, opened the door and started cracking up. You didn't even say anything you just left cackling down the hallway.

    Rather than laugh at my situation why don't you be a team player and store some cones in your office. At least that way I could get in and out of my office without tripping over these G%^ D#@! cones...

    Seriously if anyone needs any cones anywhere within the state let me know. I will be glad to deliver cones on ABT time with ABT gas.

    M.F. , you promised this would be temporary storage.

  4. #24

    angry that cones are coming in as the new director, chief

    I hear the new director will be a bright orange cone. No kidding - very politically connected and will be bringing in a new cone as chief. This cone was in Crist's parking space, so that's the connection. The cone hasn't spent much time out in traffic, and true, experience would have been a plus. It does have reflective decals, so that's cool. Another example of cones playing politics with a state agency.

  5. #25
    Two cones will do a better job than the last two ass clowns. All hail the cones !!!!!

  6. #26
    Ok guys enough kidding around about the cones. I spoke to the new cone in charge and he wants to be called General, Dr, Lawyer, Indian Chief Cone.

    Please respect the position even if you can't respect the cone.

    By the way the old Col Dr is FWC new Capt.

  7. #27
    I'm ready for the cones.........when's the last time you saw a cone wrongfully terminate anybody???

  8. #28
    Rumor is that someone saw Director Hill without makeup and guess what........

    She's really a cone !!!!

  9. #29


    I've got 3 more cones in my trunk just like her.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Rumor is that someone saw Director Hill without makeup and guess what........

    She's really a cone !!!!
    leave her alone.

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