Pete Geary the PBA rep and board member and over-time scam artist. Pete Geary would always work the most desirable overtime post in the airport. The post that requires you to be in your car outside the airport. He loved it. And if that post was assigned to a deputy on a specific day,and a deputy called in sick on a curbside post, Geary would re-assign the deputy on the good post to the crapy post. Ask Steve kopp the bomb tech, he did it to him. Then Pete would disapear and know one new where he went. Oh, and that activity sheet that had to be handed in at the end of shift, well, Rob Simpson would fill it out and hand it in for Geary. Pete was know where to be found, and the post was abandon. When your a PBA rep and board member you can get away with just about anything. Dont think he was the only one doing this. Thats right, the conformist Jerry Wurms was right there with him. Getting paid overtime, not on post, screwing other deputies, then bragging to other Sgts how much money they make. I'm very surprised Sgt Mike Szisch let them get away with this.