Is St Pete's Polygraph Pass or Fail?
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  1. #1

    Is St Pete's Polygraph Pass or Fail?

    I would like to know if the polygraph is a pass or fail step in the hiring process?

  2. #2
    When I tested and was hooked up to the Poly I was told 2 weeks later that due to items that were discovered during the Poly I was out. No one would tell me what the items were. Having never done drugs or been in trouble with the law, college educated and very stable employment history I was at a total loss.

    Seems that others have experienced the same thing.

  3. #3
    Well, apparently you must be lying on here just as you did on your poly. Seems, weird. We have a ton of people like you on our department. Especially our recruiters

  4. #4
    You are better off SPPD sucks balls go to Hillsboro or Tampa... plus there equipment is so out-dated its from the 60's so the poly prob just failed.....

  5. #5


    poly is not pass-fail. there is no score attached to a generic multi-issue test; only specific issue testing. one can be failed if they have lied on the application and the testing proves they are deceptive again. the computerized system is state of the art and not outdated as the others are telling you. it evaluates and ranks your responses and physiological responses and evalautes probability of deception. i know, i have done over 3500 tests in over 20 years but am not doing them now.

  6. #6
    first off poly test are bull-crap they are so easy to beat.... you can go to Sppd and request your file from the public records in the main lobby and they have to give it to you and your test results will be in the file.... as for not so fast you are right it is state of the art just like the gym and locker room is on the fourth floor......

  7. #7

    The least of the worry

    THAT GYM And locker room are the least of what needs refitting in the station...How bout a new state of the art police station??

  8. #8
    I passed the poly they sent the letter real quick too. I just think the questions were too generic to be useful to the dept. Maybe they are just trying to find out if we will lie to them and they dont want a liar in court. Now if you want to know bull shit then take that physocological sp* exam. What a waste of 4 hours. I was pissed, so I wrote some humorous things on the written part at the end.

  9. #9
    Senior Member LEO Affairs Sergeant
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Florida's Suncoast

    pyscho-logical exam

    Ask Damien about that particular exam........
    There were a group of misfits that helped write the baseline
    to that exam back in the 80's. none of them were expected to survive past the FTO phase.... CHUCKY CHEEEZE being one of them.

    Question #42:
    What do you do with the ewe ....afterwards ????

    Question #34:
    My turds are the color......

    Remember... honest answers only! ops:

  10. #10


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