DUI Arrest
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Thread: DUI Arrest

  1. #1

    DUI Arrest

    I can't believe there hasn't been a thread about the DUI officer that got fired for making too many arrests. So what's the deat?? Is this total BS or was he actually making borderline cheezy arrest????

  2. #2
    many were under .08 BAC

  3. #3

    Re: DUI Arrest

    Quote Originally Posted by sppd
    I can't believe there hasn't been a thread about the DUI officer that got fired for making too many arrests. So what's the deat?? Is this total BS or was he actually making borderline cheezy arrest????
    What would your evaluation be of a DUI arrest where the woman blew a 0.00, is seen on the video passing the field sobriety test and has the case dismissed by the DA, including removing her record and photo from the web site?



    He wasn't fired for making too many arrests. You can't make too many DUI arrests if they are good cases!

    He violated several SOPs, including failing to complete his reports at end of shift before going home, writing reports from memory (with errors in them) instead of using his field notes, and in one case he wrote two reports on the same incident that contradicted each other.

    In a number of cases the blood alcohol level did not support a presumption of intoxication (0.08 or higher.) When it's between 0.08 and 0.05 you can still cite it if you can show behavior consistent with intoxication. When it's below 0.05 it can hardly be considered a factor at all.

    Will he later be arrested for filing false crime reports with the DA? We are waiting to see if that shoe drops.


    What do you feel needs to be said?

  4. #4
    Getting the facts straight of which few were told to begin with is a good start. . Try 58 of 313. If you are an LEO you know anytime you come in contact with some one from the time they have ingested whatever ,they are either "going up or coming down" Many designer drugs dont show up in urine so that is worthless .The packets are cumbersome and if a deputy completed one everynight thats all he would arrest...one person everynight. The packets have never been nor are they now turned in everyday. Within a week is about the average some of them much longer . Working too hard will cause you nothing but grief. Taking too many prisoners....well there you go trouble.Especially when they are the "wrong" ones. All you need to do is read at least one previous thread on here that lasted awhileeeeeeee.....to get the idea.

  5. #5
    And for you GUEST soooooo ? I would like to see you take field notes dealing w/ what are mostly attitude beligerent people when its time to go to fists. You obviously have NEVER made a DUI arrest in your life....or your just some nosey citizen on here trying to tell the cops how to do their job...nothing new. That statement came from a few who probably never made a DUI arrest either. Get real. Perception is not always reality especially when the Spin Doctors get on it.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by The Wand
    And for you GUEST soooooo ? I would like to see you take field notes dealing w/ what are mostly attitude beligerent people when its time to go to fists. You obviously have NEVER made a DUI arrest in your life....or your just some nosey citizen on here trying to tell the cops how to do their job...nothing new. That statement came from a few who probably never made a DUI arrest either. Get real. Perception is not always reality especially when the Spin Doctors get on it.
    Get off your high horse, stick man!

    The reference to failing to use his field notes in the preparation of his reports was one of the charges that IA made against him - not something that I thought up.

    So were the other things on the list. None of them were accusations from me. They were what was reported in the news as the charges against Brock.

    You say: The packets have never been nor are they now turned in everyday. Within a week is about the average some of them much longer.

    So you justify SOP violations by pointing to other SOP violations? Your position would be that we should never start enforcing the SOPs that people have been violating? You have to start somewhere.

    What's your position on illegal immigration? There are already 12 to 20 million illegal immigrants here, so there is no point in beginning to send any of them back to their home country?

    You say: Try 58 of 313. Fifty-eight is an awful lot of "borderline" cases! Especially if you are the defendant and not guilty.

    I don't have a dog in the fight about Brock's discipline. I was just telling the sppd guy what he was accused of.

    As I said, get off your high horse.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Hey stick man,
    Cumbersome DUI Packets??????????? Come on, it ain't nothing but a thang. If you stay on top of your reports and turn them in when you are supposed to then you don't have a problem. (You know, like the SOP says, at the end of your shift). If you want to direct the blame some where else, then blame his supervisor and the troops that were to lazy to do their own dui's. It isn't rocket science or any other science to learn to do your job efficiently. Obviously he didn't learn the lessons and took to many shortcuts.

    As far as field notes and going to fist. Been there done that, many times your not making me feel sorry for him.

    He descredited this agency and people who do make good DUI cases. He deserved to be fired, QUIT MAKING EXCUSES FOR HIM

  8. #8
    All he has to do is:
    1 Bring up the fact that his supervisor allowed him to hold the reports, which is allowed by s.o.p.,
    2 Articulate his observations from a few of his his investigations, without notes, which will show that his memory is as good as his field notes would have been, and
    3 Present case law (and preferably some of his own cases) where convictions were reached when the priosner's B.A.C. was bellow 0.08 (and include videos of prisoners blitzed out of their mid on drugs, with 0.00 B.A.C.).

    When his attorney does these things...... $$$ CHA-CHINGGGGGGG $$$

  9. #9
    If anyone thinks this was someone making a few bad decisions in cases that were close, you are badly mistaken. The news has only begun to scratch the surface.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    All he has to do is:
    1 Bring up the fact that his supervisor allowed him to hold the reports, which is allowed by s.o.p.,
    2 Articulate his observations from a few of his his investigations, without notes, which will show that his memory is as good as his field notes would have been, and
    3 Present case law (and preferably some of his own cases) where convictions were reached when the priosner's B.A.C. was bellow 0.08 (and include videos of prisoners blitzed out of their mid on drugs, with 0.00 B.A.C.).

    When his attorney does these things...... $$$ CHA-CHINGGGGGGG $$$
    No, the only cha-chinggggg he might hear is what he is going to have to pay his attorney when the INNOCENT PEOPLE he charged sue him for FALSE ARREST.

    There's more to this than SOP offenses.

    Remember the charges against him were sustained by IA.


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