What would you change? - Page 3
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  1. #21

    Re: What would you change?

    Quote Originally Posted by New Sheriff
    when there is a change....

    I agree with fed up I would choose Sheriff Dennis Creamer my dream ticket is Creamer/Vrchota/Soule republican ticket. Jenne the dumocrat would not have a chance in 2008. Soule was a Air Force Military Police Chief, desert storm vet, brought Jenne/Brennan to there knees in 2005 after Brennan made threats to 30 staff members. He retired from bso. He began his career in law enforcement in 1982. Soule came in 4th place out of 13 candidates for Sheriff in 2004. Retired in 2005. Brennan/Frey/Jenne forced Soule out.

    Dennis honest Creamer who stated in law enforcement in the late 60's fought in vietnam and was Police Chief at BSO and the Air Force Police Chief. Retired in 2004. He nailed Jenne/Brennan on stats. Jenne forced him out because he was right.

    Chief Roy integrity Vrchota (35 years in law enfocement) retired in 2005, was the Chief of Police in Deerfield and was the Inspector General of Internal Affairs. Roy nailed Jenne/Brennan on all kinds of corruption. They could stand up to jennes cronies at the psb.

  2. #22
    If I were Sheriff I would have free ice cream on tuesdays and pajama fridays.

  3. #23


    Lets see, a decent Sheriff would be a candidate who is LEO certified, has common sense, and the ability not only to lead but also to follow.

    The Sheriff needs to be a person who has good communication skills, as well as people skills in general. Someone who is not afraid to get feedback from the Deputies and take action without upsetting their own ego.

    Some of the main issues:
    Top priority would be to get the agency on a uniform system, no more of each district doing their own thing. This system would include uniformity in paperwork, operating procedures, ect......
    Second, I believe that the contractual issues need to be addressed and updated to be a fair and equitable contract in comparison with surrounding jurisdictions.
    Third, I believe that we can start to work on training issues and the amount of training Deputies recieve. I also believe that the administration must also attend the same training that Deputies are mandated to recieve and they should train with the Deputies
    Fourth, Once we move through all of the logistical areas of the agency I believe we need to work on the uniforms, equipment, and further more the rank structure.
    Also on the rank structure issue:
    Lieutenants and above shall be required to spend time on the road with road patrol of at least 16 hrs a month.
    Any one promoted to Sergeant shall spend at least their probationary year as a road patrol sergeant. No more of this being promoted and put right into a specialized unit. This is not fair to the sergeants who did their time as a road sergeant.
    This goes the same for a Lieutenant. No Lieutenants being promoted right to a Executive Officer of a District.
    All in all the higher administration would be cut down to only the needed positions.

    As of now this is all I will write, please excuse any grammatical errors in this email. No one man or woman is perfect but we can work together and take constructive critism, and so should the Sheriff of this agency.

    Please post your feedback and anything that you agree or disagree with. I will gladly listen, whether we get to the top or not. It never hurts to dream of what we want and what the would like to achieve.

    Let us all stand together as one.


  4. #24

    Re: Sheriff

    The problem with police administration across the country is that the flavor of the month is accountablilty, be it POWERTAC, COMPSTAT, Round Table...whatever you want to call it. Administrators all know the problems that these systems cause ie. stats manipulation and such. Each administrator thinks that they have the key to making the system work but they don't because this sytem is inherently flawed and like any other system can not be perfect.
    Most administrators have reached their maximum level of incompatence (Peter Principal) and do not have any original ideas and just go with what they know. Until an administrator comes up with a new original idea and the courage to implement it, we will be stuck with a police systems based on accountability. This is going on accross the county.
    Accountability is necessary for streamlining the use of resources and techniques in such a way that our efforts are more more efficient, and cost effective.. but definately not in for use in the direct corralation with crime stats. the way in which we patrol and do our jobs on the street will have no effect on crime stats.
    Economy, Legislation, Social Programs, and local Governments willingness to assist our efforts through budjeting, manpower, court systems that are pro law enforcement etc... These are the systems that can make an effect on crime rate.
    Like a mechanic, it doesn't matter how many cars you fix, cars will still break down... only by building a better car can this correlation be changed.

  5. #25

    Re: Sheriff

    Quote Originally Posted by I dont have a user name
    The problem with police administration across the country is that the flavor of the month is accountablilty, be it POWERTAC, COMPSTAT, Round Table...whatever you want to call it. Administrators all know the problems that these systems cause ie. stats manipulation and such. Each administrator thinks that they have the key to making the system work but they don't because this sytem is inherently flawed and like any other system can not be perfect.
    Most administrators have reached their maximum level of incompatence (Peter Principal) and do not have any original ideas and just go with what they know. Until an administrator comes up with a new original idea and the courage to implement it, we will be stuck with a police systems based on accountability. This is going on accross the county.
    Accountability is necessary for streamlining the use of resources and techniques in such a way that our efforts are more more efficient, and cost effective.. but definately not in for use in the direct corralation with crime stats. the way in which we patrol and do our jobs on the street will have no effect on crime stats.
    Economy, Legislation, Social Programs, and local Governments willingness to assist our efforts through budjeting, manpower, court systems that are pro law enforcement etc... These are the systems that can make an effect on crime rate.
    Like a mechanic, it doesn't matter how many cars you fix, cars will still break down... only by building a better car can this correlation be changed.
    I find it interesting many suggestions in this thread are the way PBSO currently operates.

    Did any of you know Sheriff Bradshaw gave STRIKE the ax recently?

    Bradshaw stated STRIKE is a waste of time. He would often sit in the back of meetings tapping his watch at the colonel, telling him to move on.

    Bradshaw said nothing was being done in STRIKE that couldnt be done via email.

    We get the tools to do our job correctly, including picking our own sidearms in multiple different calibers makes and models, and our own AR15's with optics and lighting systems.

    For quick deployment, we are encouraged to carry our rifles on our passenger seat while patrolling. Deployment is at each individual deputies discretion.

    Our safety comes first.

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