Politically In~Correct
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  1. #1
    Senior Member LEO Affairs Sergeant
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Florida's Suncoast

    Politically In~Correct


    St Pete PD is obviously one sided when it comes to slurs.
    During the recent change of Community Policing policy/efforts:
    this statistical plot to reflect more officers on the road........
    We have been handed down "directed patrols".
    Commonly called "DP's."

    The department is allowing a slur to occur within it's hallways~!

    Here's an official Definition of a DP : a displaced person

    As used in a Congressional Bill
    U.S. Statues at Large, 80th Cong., Sess II, CHp. 647, p. 1009=1014....

    The term, Displaced Person means "a person in Germany, Austria, or Italy at the time of the passage of this Act who (1) is out of his country of former residence as a result of events subsequent to the outbreak of World War II; and (2) is unable or unwilling to return to the country to his nationality or former residence because of persecution or his fear of persecution on account of race, religion, or political opinions."

    The Term DP ~ as used in the Racial Slur Database.................
    DP: Polish "Dumb Polish," pronounced "deepee." After World War II, displaced refugees of Eastern European origin were referred as Displaced Persons, however, it stuck around even today to describe Polish immigrants.

    Think of the verbage running amok the Department lately......
    "I want you to do a DP"
    "I need a DP from you today"
    "You've got the DP today"
    "Check to see if you're the DP Guy today"

    Does any of the history of "DP" change the above statements?
    How about APES ! Didn't we get rid of using that ????

    What's next?
    WOP "work on promptly"
    CHINK "check his/her input, no-one's knowledgeable"
    JEW "just expedite weekly" also....
    GEW "give extreme workage"
    WASP "work as silently, posthaste!"
    FISH "find immediately send hereto"
    GOOMBAH "go on only mondays before afternoon hours"
    Kala "keep a low allowance"

    That's just few thoughts.

    Next time I'm asked ....and told, that the Lt wants someone to give him a DP for today......... I'm going to write the word "DIASPORA" on a piece of paper and hand it to him.
    At the end of shift.......let them figure out what to to with the person I leave ............sitting next to their desk.

  2. #2
    I remember back when we were told to watch out for gypsies on Snell Isle....what's up with that...ethnic profiling?

    Can you imagine an official bolo saying "watch out for blacks in Allendale"

  3. #3
    NO! Its not illegal for blacks to be in allendale. In fact it wasn't illegal for the black uhuru to tresspass on private property and commit a criminal mischief by tearing down a holloween decoration in allendale.....


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