Our Beliefs and Values Illustrated
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  1. #1

    Our Beliefs and Values Illustrated

    I see many people on this message board complaining about the policies The Sheriff has enacted to create a professional and progressive appearance to the citizens. On and on and on and on and on these people go about how it's not negative for the public to see deputies smoking dirty cigarettes, displaying trashy tattoos and looking like musclebound apes. And how many times have the professional and progressive members of this agency had to explain to those people exactly why these policies are important?!
    Well, our beliefs have been illustrated very clearly and now no one can dispute the Truth for it is right before your eyes. IT is Dog the Bounty Hunter.
    First off, I don't want anyone rationalizing his appearance by saying he is rich or famous. That is apples and oranges. What makes interesting reality television does NOT equate to professionalism or progressiveness in the real world. Although he is not truly a law enforcement professional, he is, in fact, making his living in the criminal justice field. Because of this he makes us all look bad. All we can do is try and distance ourselves from him by looking and acting professional and progressive.
    Dog the Bounty Hunter smokes several packs of disgusting cigarettes per day. Anyone with any level of formal education knows the health risks of smoking so I can safely assume that Dog is not a college or university graduate. Smoking cigarettes makes people in the criminal justice field look lower class. Just stop it.
    Dog the Bounty Hunter has his skin littered with trashy tattoos. He most likely acquired these while serving time in prison. No one can describe any situation in which any kind of tattoo looks anything less than unprofessional. When a citizen sees your beloved ink they immediately assume you grew up in a lower class environment or served time in jail. Tattoo removal is very common these days so there is no excuse.
    Dog the Bounty Hunter looks like some kind of half-witted ape running around with his biceps and pectorals ready to explode. He looks like some kind of deranged predator or primative neanderthal. When the citizens see someone of his ilk they immediately (and rightly) assume that he is of lower class intellectually. One should strive for physical fitness in order to avoid the appearance of being a fat slob but I think a swimmer's physique looks more professional and progressive. Imagine how intimidated a little old lady citizen would feel if some meathead came dragging his knuckles up to her front door when she calls for help. The raging testosterone is unbecoming of a professional law enforcement official. The Sheriff gives you a car to transport prisoners to jail so you don't need enough muscle to throw your prisoner all around. Tone it down.
    Don't even get me started on Dog's unprofessional hair style.
    Dog the Bounty Hunter is the answer to all the "why" questions that come up when policies are enacted enforcing professional and progressive appearance.
    It's just sad and threatening that we all bear the brunt of people like Dog claiming to be part of the criminal justice profession.
    And anyone who disagrees with me must not be thinking this all the way through. There is a time and place to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger acting as a trailer park version of Conan the Barbarian. That time and place is when you have your own bounty hunter reality show or on Halloween. I would say his appearance would be unprofessional if it was a costume at a Halloween party attended by other agency employees or any citizen who knew you were employed by the agency.
    They have our best interest in mind when they ask us to look professional and progressive. The citizens respect us more which makes you less likely to be involved in a physical altercation. It is best if the commissioners and citizens imagine us as clean, classy professionals rather than as rabid, uncooth tattooed smokers trying to wrestle down every criminal like he was some sort of crocodile.
    In essence, think about the greater good of the agency and your fellow law enforcement professionals before you light your next cigarette, get a new tattoo, or make your body look like a big overgrown primate.
    Thanks and be safe.

  2. #2


    Wondering who pissed him off

  3. #3
    I can't think of anyone in the department that has tat's that show, and the only muscle boud officer we had went to Jonesborough, and I definelty wouldn't call hiim a meathead, not because he's big and intimidating, but because he has a really good head shoulders (and yes they are very big)

    But if you want to talk about unprofessional, the officers that you see hanging out in gas stations talking to the roadrunner girls instead of being out partolling... now that's unprofessional. I know of a couple of Sgt's that couldn't beat that charge in court. Or what about the ones that seem to be afraid of putting an iron on their uniform, or can't spell kiwi let alone find it? The writer could have made found some better problems that comparing WCSO deputies with Sog Chatman.

  4. #4

    But I beg to differ my good man--


    Y-----A----W-----N------- :shock:

    Oh how you bore me.

    I looked at the quantity of bulk that was written within your thread before I actually ingested it, and I find your essay to be quite trite and sophomoric at best. It is really beneath me to even offer an opinion on this piece, so that I will not. But I would like to say that I do disagree with your assessment that the swimmer's build would be more appealing to the eye. I find that the WCSO bus driver physique is more condusive to the WCSO sense of professionalism and best epitomizes what the WCSO is all about.

  5. #5

    Re: Our Beliefs and Values Illustrated

    Quote Originally Posted by Ditto
    I see many people on this message board complaining about the policies The Sheriff has enacted to create a professional and progressive appearance to the citizens. On and on and on and on and on these people go about how it's not negative for the public to see deputies smoking dirty cigarettes, displaying trashy tattoos and looking like musclebound apes. And how many times have the professional and progressive members of this agency had to explain to those people exactly why these policies are important?!
    Well, our beliefs have been illustrated very clearly and now no one can dispute the Truth for it is right before your eyes. IT is Dog the Bounty Hunter.
    First off, I don't want anyone rationalizing his appearance by saying he is rich or famous. That is apples and oranges. What makes interesting reality television does NOT equate to professionalism or progressiveness in the real world. Although he is not truly a law enforcement professional, he is, in fact, making his living in the criminal justice field. Because of this he makes us all look bad. All we can do is try and distance ourselves from him by looking and acting professional and progressive.
    Dog the Bounty Hunter smokes several packs of disgusting cigarettes per day. Anyone with any level of formal education knows the health risks of smoking so I can safely assume that Dog is not a college or university graduate. Smoking cigarettes makes people in the criminal justice field look lower class. Just stop it.
    Dog the Bounty Hunter has his skin littered with trashy tattoos. He most likely acquired these while serving time in prison. No one can describe any situation in which any kind of tattoo looks anything less than unprofessional. When a citizen sees your beloved ink they immediately assume you grew up in a lower class environment or served time in jail. Tattoo removal is very common these days so there is no excuse.
    Dog the Bounty Hunter looks like some kind of half-witted ape running around with his biceps and pectorals ready to explode. He looks like some kind of deranged predator or primative neanderthal. When the citizens see someone of his ilk they immediately (and rightly) assume that he is of lower class intellectually. One should strive for physical fitness in order to avoid the appearance of being a fat slob but I think a swimmer's physique looks more professional and progressive. Imagine how intimidated a little old lady citizen would feel if some meathead came dragging his knuckles up to her front door when she calls for help. The raging testosterone is unbecoming of a professional law enforcement official. The Sheriff gives you a car to transport prisoners to jail so you don't need enough muscle to throw your prisoner all around. Tone it down.
    Don't even get me started on Dog's unprofessional hair style.
    Dog the Bounty Hunter is the answer to all the "why" questions that come up when policies are enacted enforcing professional and progressive appearance.
    It's just sad and threatening that we all bear the brunt of people like Dog claiming to be part of the criminal justice profession.
    And anyone who disagrees with me must not be thinking this all the way through. There is a time and place to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger acting as a trailer park version of Conan the Barbarian. That time and place is when you have your own bounty hunter reality show or on Halloween. I would say his appearance would be unprofessional if it was a costume at a Halloween party attended by other agency employees or any citizen who knew you were employed by the agency.
    They have our best interest in mind when they ask us to look professional and progressive. The citizens respect us more which makes you less likely to be involved in a physical altercation. It is best if the commissioners and citizens imagine us as clean, classy professionals rather than as rabid, uncooth tattooed smokers trying to wrestle down every criminal like he was some sort of crocodile.
    In essence, think about the greater good of the agency and your fellow law enforcement professionals before you light your next cigarette, get a new tattoo, or make your body look like a big overgrown primate.
    Thanks and be safe.
    This has to be the worst post I have ever read on a message board on the internet.Your putting people down for trying to get bigger and stronger to do a better job and be in good physical condition.You said that officers have cruisers to transport prisoners so that we dont have to throw them around.Well apparently you have never had to deal with a violent drunk that doesnt want arrested and get in the back of that cruiser.Some drunks are very big and strong themselves so it helps for the officer to be bigger and stronger in order to put the drunk in the car.Belive me not everyone wants to just jump in the back of a cruiser pal.What about the officers everyday that get overpowered by there prisoner and get shot and killed because that officer wasnt strong enough to defend themself.I bet if you could ask them if they wished they worked out and got stronger they would say yes.Also last time I checked having big biceps and pecs didnt look unprofessional. Since when does being big and strong make you a meathead?Last time I checked Arnold was the governor of Cali.As far as the old women being intimitated I bet when her house is being broke into she would rather see the big strong meathead throw the prisoner on the ground and in the back of the car then the (swimmer) get his butt dirt rolled on the ground.Maybe the swimmer should swim some more laps and that would help him out.

    As far as the tats Im not even going to go there because having tats is a personal preference.

    One more thing dont be jealous because your biceps and pecs arent big.Maybe one day you will get pulled over that big meathead will let you feel there biceps to make you feel better.

  6. #6
    I think its more of mind over matter. You can be big as sh** and still be dumb as sh**. I think that post was meant for Jbo.

  7. #7
    I do agree with most of Ditto's alliterated assertions. These musclebound freaks intimidate me too and they also make me feel like I am less of a man. The tattoos, how can one desecrate God's temple by marking strange drawings on their bodies and surely, as mother used to say, cast themselves straight into the gates of hell for eternity! Although I do have to confess that I like to partake in an occasional after dinner smoke, but never in public and never without using my Dr. Grabo cigarette holder. But I digress.

    I think that professionalism does have to be maintained at all times especially when criminals resist arrest as they are taken into custody. I do not know how these "musclebound thugs" handle these situations, as for me, I simply step out of my patrol car in my crisply ironed WCSO uniform, polished boots and Greg Louganis physique and I clear my throat announcing that all parties cease and desist. To further express my point, I fold my arms and I begin tapping my right foot on the ground to show my prey that I am incensed by the situation as a whole. Upon this emotional outburst on my part, I can always sense the fear that I am imposing upon the criminals, one could almost cut the tension I am creating with a knife. If this tactic fails I then go to the last step and I hold up my right index finger to the sky, thus invoking the Marquis of Queensbury Rule upon the whole affair. Thank goodness I have not had to resort to this last step as distasteful as it sounds, but I am sure that my philosophy will work when, in the near future, I am transferred to the lower end of the county. Thus far in my brief law enforcement career, I have only worked in the upper end. Call me Ditto, maybe we can do lunch at the Cranberry Thistle .


  8. #8
    HEY EVERY-BODY!! :lol: :lol:

    Happy Happy Joy Joy!!

    The new season of Dog The Bounty Hunter starts tonight at 9 pm on A&E Network. I love that Beth she's the greatest. :shock:

    Glad to post something positive instead of all the bad.

  9. #9
    Here Here

  10. #10

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