HCSO Cpls. petition release from PBA - Page 2
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  1. #11

    what a joke!!!!!

    look how fast the Sheriff and his staff jumped on-board to assist with something that is negative union. If this does'nt speak volumes about this staff's true intentions.......................NOTHING WILL!!

  2. #12


    We need the union more than ever brothers n sisters..............This is a total shame where this agency has gone and is going. THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT CORPORALS.................Now go back and hump that zone!

  3. #13
    Cpl are supervisors not managers. They do not set policy, they do not determine discipline. There is no part of the contract or the union process that causes a conflict between a deputy and Cpl. TPD has had a union for decades, Officers, Master Patrolmen, Detectives, Corporals, and Sergeants have been part of the same bargaining unit with no problems. This is just an attempt by management to divide and conquer under a disguise. They found a chump to march for them who in the end will sell out anyone for his own advancement.

  4. #14

    you are correct

    You are correct..........there is no conflict, this is only a attempt by certain Cpls to make a name for themselves. Watch the future promotions and see. The "Good Ole Boy" network is alive and well at HCSO. Another broken election time promise...........What a sad day for this once proud agency

  5. #15

    What did you learn from that?

    I once worked for a boss who would sum up any experience that I had endured with the question "What did you learn from that?"

    At first I thought he was being a smart alec because the lesson was usually very obvious. Later I learned that I should think about the experience for a while before deciding what the lesson was.

    If the corporals are successful in withdrawing from the bargaining unit, what is the lesson to be learned?

    I think the most obvious thing is that the withdrawal did not originate with the corporals. This move was choreographed by management. Who in management has had training in "dealing with" unions? Those who have attended the FBI National Academy. At the top of the list would be the Sheriff and the Chief Deputy. Remember, the National Academy is NOT about police work, it is about managing a police agency.

    So, assuming that the previous posters are correct and this withdrawal is a union busting ploy what does that mean? It would not be unreasonable to infer that THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE TOP MANAGEMENT IS SMARTER THAN THE PBA LEADERSHIP!

    If not smarter, then surely more dedicated to the cause. Remember, the West Coast PBA top people are and always will be from the ranks of TPD - it's in the charter. There have already been many posts on the TPD board complaining about the West Coast PBA people devoting time and energy to HCSO issues. They don't want to see HCSO equal or exceed TPD pay and they are vocal about not wanting to see the PBA work toward this goal.

    What lesson am I drawing from this?

    I'm not sure yet, but I tend to think that the PBA is NOT the best choice of a collective bargaining unit for HCSO.

    If the withdrawal of the corporals is effected and a new vote is required regarding collective bargaining it will probably be the right time to see what other organizations, such as FOP and Teamsters, might be out there to provide representation for HCSO.


  6. #16

    Sick of it................

    You know, this whole infighting thing with this agency is getting old. I came to this agency with the intentions to work hard and present a positive image to the public. I am getting sick and tired of the childish behavior being brought forth by both the management and the workers of this agency. I no longer have faith in either and Im getting disgusted with the adversarial relationships being formed by all the involved parties. The Sheriff is the BOSS here and needs to step up to the plate and start being more accountable for whats happening lately, and with that said, we ALL need to work together to PLEASE resolve some of these issues for the good of everyone. These individual power struggles, now including the corporals trying to seperate from deputies?? Give me a break! Are priorities are incredibly messed up and unfortunately it will be the public who pays the price.

  7. #17
    Can one person please tell me what in the hell is so wrong with the deputies wanting to have a say in the benefits the Sheriff has approved and then RECEIVES from the County Commissioners?

    For Christ's sake, the PBA is not a union.......they can not strike. So what if a group of employees want to get together and have an input with their employer that they hope to be with for the rest of their dedicated careers. Is management that petty or insecure that they feel as if they are giving up some God given power?

  8. #18


    Corporal Antonaidis, you're in the paper, you've spoken, unless the press has misquoted you, what do you have to say??? The forum is here, open for all to see, what's in it for YOU??? We all want to know. You can't be doing it for ALL the other Corporals in the agency because you're so concerned with with their benefits, wages, gripes, insurance costs, etc!!! So, you've put your name in the spotlight, your on stage now, entertain us with your insights!!!

  9. #19
    I never thought I would say this as anti media as I am, but it would be nice if the media took a nice long hard look at what is going on here. Maybe then things would change.

  10. #20
    Well the Cpl who started this division, just got his butt paddled for YELLING at a Deputy (female) which he does often and for what? parking in a motor unit parking spot. Now if that doesnt tell you he is a moron then what will? He lacks people skills and has to do something to make himself look good. Can any at the S.O. disagree with me on his obvious lack of people skills and with that said; why in the hell would they make him a Cpl in the first place? This guy is a joke and always will be. Cpl if you read this PLEASE TAKE IT TO HEART, EVERYONE THINKS YOU ARE AN IDIOT.

    Oh, and the brain dead poster making the comment about there are lazier deputies then there are supervisors. Who gave you those numbers??? Or did you pull them out of your azz?

    For the poster who is upset about all of this stuff, I agree with you. Our boss needs to step up and stop all of this garbage and get us back on track. The office has never been more divided in the 20yrs I have been here and it is just crazy!

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