Morale at an all time LOW! - Page 2
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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by guestDV
    Wish we could get her back. Good young cop. Just wanted to me a cop and the slugs were like a cancer and hurt her career.
    Here's the problem with a lot of new, young Officers. They expect respect the minute they put on the uniform and report for FTO. They don't want to earn other cops' respect. They want it to be given without question. The problem with that is if they happen to be a young person (without much life experience), the job has a tendency to get to their heads and make them think that they are the best cop out there.

    We all make mistakes. But when you're someone who has not earned anyone's respect (yet) and you make a mistake, you look like an idiot. And everyone will talk about it and make you look stupid. Whereas if you're humble, earn people's respect, ask questions when necessary, and don't think you know everything; when you make a mistake people will tend to be a little more forgiving. But if you have been a cop for 2 months and you act like a 20 year vet, expect to be treated like an idiot when you mess up... That's just the way things are.

    I don't think JM was a victim of any "slug cancer," I think she was the victim of her own misgivings about herself. She felt that she deserved things (like a position on SRT, for example) after a VERY short time on the road. Instead of learning from mistakes and becoming a better cop, she decided to complain to people about what she viewed as discrimination against her. That was her downfall, I believe. But that was then, and hopefully she's learned from it and will move on.

    Hopefully JM will get (read: earn) more respect at PP than she did at Davie. She's not a bad kid, nor a bad cop. She has a lot of potential, but has a lot to learn. Hopefully she's made her mistakes and learned from them and will move on to a "clean slate" at pines. For the Davie guys that keep bashing her, you're awfully juvenile. Grow up.

  2. #12
    :evil: ARRRRRRR!!!!






  3. #13


    Hey Adrift,
    Exactly what "crisis" are you talking about?!!! We have the best pay, benefits, and working conditions around. Are you just deluded by your own BS? That is a common sickness among cops who can't get themselves to do anything at work, so they just become expert complainers. You are well on your way. Cheers!

  4. #14


    To the Davie post ref JM

    As one of her past supervisors, I can tell you she is/was a victim of Davie cancer. Just wanted to know how she was doing. My last post. Seems like PP has some of the same cancer.(1% of the PD cancer 99% Great people that is most PDs) Goodnite :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  5. #15

    Tried to Eph myself

    Ok, Adrift. I tried to "eph" myself and I was unsuccesful. Maybe you can show me how. After all, you are doing QUITE a good job of ephing yourself right here on this message board. Tell me- have you ever worked at another Department? There is NO WAY. I have only worked here but the people we work with who have come from other depts all say the same thing. In your post you talk about a "crisis" and leadership. Then you mention working conditions in your last post. take a look around, buddy. We have the best working conditions of any police deprtment around us. nice building, take homes, work outs on duty, lots of cops, great cars, issued guns and leather, great restaruants, laptops w ticket printers, always a back-up around, clear rules in the General order book, rarely does anybody get in trouble, A strong union, 3% for almost everyone in the whole darn Department except me, (and I'm not complaining). There is a fair test to be proemoted, most of the bosses are decent guys and girls. I do what I am supposed to do, earn my very awesome benefits and no one EVER bothers me, and trust me, I am NO ball of fire or gods gift to police work.

    you are nutz and if you think putting this out there somehow helps whatever problem you think is there, you are totally wrong. Hiding behind a screen name and doing the same thing in public that you do at work when you are sitting behind Publix as an excuse not to work hurts us all. We need people and if any of those people out there beleived your nonsense, they just might go somewhere where the people who got treated great don't put their little personal issues on the internet for the whole world to see. Stop being a little B!@@h and go tell the people who you think make this place so bad why you think that it is. You won't because you are a wuss. You will just keep going on this web sight where no one can see that you are really a do nothing whiner. If they knew who was posting, they wouldn't even READ your post.

    People like you are always taking and never giving back. Take a look in the mirror.


  6. #16

  7. #17
    Good post PINESGUY.

    Some people will never be happy.

  8. #18
    another complaint from adrift and he wont say whats good uhmmm maybe hes the problem good job pines guy

  9. #19


    Go to seminole, they just had some changes. Some pines officers retired and went there. I think with the changes seminole is ok.

  10. #20
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    I didn't know yu were so computer savvy 8KAMO...and multi-talented too. Pinching a loaf and bloggin, U da man!

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