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Thread: CSD

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2007


    I guess there is not enough crime within the city limits. A couple of weeks ago the CSD had a handcuffed prisoner escape at Rays Soul City (County Jurisdiction.) I recall a narcotics violation and a DWLS, at the Red Dot (County Jurisdiction.) Then just today a warrant service on a 4-11 tall W/F at Roosevelt and Baars (County Jurisdiction.)

    Maybe the supervisors don't know or don't care that city tax dollars are being spent in the county.

    O'wait. Maybe they are working off the $1.6 million they owe the county.

  2. #2


    And whats it to you... Chicken Shit. If you have a problem with what my Officers are doing then call me at 850-436-5454

    Lt Ausborn

  3. #3

    To Done

    If you're a deputy you should appreciate that you have PPD officers close enough to back you up if you need them.

    If you're a citizen you should appreciate that the jobs getting done, no matter who's doing it.

    You can't win for losing here. People B**** because they say the county does nothing. Then they B**** because the city's doing too much.

  4. #4

  5. #5


    Done, were you born stupid or did mommie and daddy spend alot of money at some democratic college to ensure that you achieved your maximum level of stupidity? First of all, what the hell do you know about law enforcement? Yea, you may hide behind some badge claiming you're some sort of LEO. If you are...do us all a favor. Go to property management, turn in your shit and join some overseas peace corps hugging trees and bashing the REAL law men (and women) who keep your pathetic ass safe when you go to Wal Mart and stock up on all your sissy gear. What you fail to realize is that the SAME crapbirds who are being swooped up by the hard hitting dedicated motivated professional CSD officers at Ray's, Roosevelt, stomping grounds..etc..are the SAME thugs that are commiting burglaries, selling dope, shooting, robbing, stabbing..etc. within our city limits. Matter of fact, next time you see a biker boy, all you need to do is just say "thanks." And that's all you need to say because your not even worthy to be in the same room. SO. Go on and keep running your mouth. That's about all you can do. Im pretty shure you never chased a dope dealing thug down the block. Or here's an idea, contact Mr. Boyd...im shure he'll put your cop bashin' liberal social security number on his payroll.

  6. #6
    What does CSD mean?

  7. #7
    Cranky Sex Deviates?

  8. #8
    CSD= Can't Stand Democrats (or liberals, or bleeding hearts, or "chairborne rangers", or snivilers, or whiners, or Michael Jackson.) Go on and leave the real police work to them biker boys. "Done" can continue to piss and moan because he's too chicken shit to do any proactive policing.

  9. #9


    Crack Smoking Dumbass


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