01-05-2007, 05:01 AM
The Real Story: GPS & Social Security for Illegals
Updated January 04, 2006
The first 100 hours of the new Congress got underway today and they've promised to dig right in by working to fix big, important issues like ethics and the minimum wage and stem cell research. Thanks, New Congress, glad to see you have your finger right on the pulse of America! The Real Story is that, despite all the election year promises, illegal immigration remains a huge problem and our leadership continues to ignore it.
Now, I know that most of us have very short-term memories and it's easy to lose passion on an issue when it's not in the news everyday -- so let me bring that anger back for you with two unbelievable stories that virtually no one else is covering and that they certainly aren't talkin' about it in the first hundred hours of Congress.

First, a state government in Mexico is reportedly intending to handout portable GPS devices to illegal immigrants this year to help them arrive safely in the United States. No - I am not kidding you. Apparently, the main illegal entry route into Arizona -- oh hey, there's Arizona again! -- is actually tough to navigate so they need a little satellite help to get there.

The state of Pueblo expects 200,000 people to take the devices this year, and once they navigate their way here with turn-by-turn directions, some of them will end up buying a fake social security card and then using it to get a job. In the course of that job, those illegal workers will pay social security taxes, just like the rest of us, even though they have fake accounts.

But here's where things get insane. After breaking into the country and using fake documents to secure work, an illegal may soon be able to actually claim social security benefits! A new agreement, if signed by the President, would allow an illegal alien who subsequently becomes legal, to claim benefits for the work they did prior to becoming a citizen. Put another way -- we'll ignore how you got here and how you got your job, as long as you do it the right way later.

Are you outraged yet? Well what if I told you that while most Americans need ten years of work to qualify for benefits -- Mexicans would qualify with as little as 18 months of work! NOW are you getting that rage back? I hope so, because our leaders have once again proven that the only way this insanity will end is through the will of the people.

FROM glennbeck.com The real story segment is always enlightening. The mainstream media won't cover politically sensitive issues unless of course it involves one of us screwing up!

01-05-2007, 05:09 PM
Guv'ment is broken from the top down (locally does SAO ring a bell?) Responsible government action is intead replaced by pageantry, as in The President Who Wouldn't Die -- Gerald Ford had 4 services spanning 8 days.
My pet peeve isn't illegals. It's government discrimination against childless people. Limbaugh ranted on it yesterday. QUIT TAKING OUR TAXES TO RAISE YOUR BRATS. On the other hand, I gladly contribute toward their incarceration.

01-05-2007, 10:04 PM
Typical Retard statement by a retard public SERVANT

01-05-2007, 10:17 PM
Public employees not public servants, you piece of dung. Can I call you Hilary? It doesn't take a village to raise all those misbegotten bad seeds, but it takes an army of LEOs to clean up what the parents dumped on society.

01-05-2007, 10:48 PM
Perhaps if we could disipline our children (spanking, not beating) without fear of CPS, and teachers could maintain control in their class rooms w/out fear of litigious parents there wouldn't be such a problem. Oh, and Mom and Dad? Next time Jr. gets popped (again), don't bail his ass out. Leave him to sit in jail for a while!