View Full Version : SUPER BOWL BADGES

01-01-2007, 03:17 PM
To all the readers of my column regarding the New Year and possible change of thinking in the dept let me advise on a sad fact. While the endeavor of receiving a SUPER BOWL badge is a good thing let me advise the fact that 35 of those badges will be paid out of the budget to the higher ranks. Those other badges will be paid individually by the rank and file. Thanks DD for a warm and generous bag from the PEU for our gift. G-OUT.

01-29-2007, 05:21 PM
Did you expect anything Less?
Politicians have no morals or Ethics when it comes to taxpayers money
and this guy is not a COP hes a Politician
he gave up being a cop years ago

01-31-2007, 03:09 AM
To all the officers, Sgts and Lts that purchased Super Bowl Badges:
When they first advertised the badges I remember the price being $35. After approx. 2 weeks they raised the price up to $40. What a coincidence that the command staff got the badges for free or did we get screwed and paid for them without knowing?

01-31-2007, 09:49 PM
No the money went to the Chiefs fund ,I meen the PAL my error