View Full Version : Strategic Operations Plan Goal # 5

12-21-2006, 01:37 PM
This is reposted from the post about political appointments to specialty positions, and political promotions. I thought it clearly articulated how the Sheriff allows his staff (or even himself) to contradict his own publicized goals, and I thought it should not be hidden in the middle of, or at the end of another post.

H.C.S.O. Strategic Operations Plan: Goal # 5 “Provide a work environment that attracts and retains a diverse group of quality applicants, REWARDS EMPLOYEE EXCELLENCE (caps mine), and promotes leadership through supervisory accountability.”

The middle section of this (David Gee’s) goal, “…REWARDS EMPLOYEE EXCELLENCE…” implies that politics will not having anything to do with promotions or appointments to specialty positions.

Hey Sheriff, are you going to practice what you preach? If so, the time is now to put an end to the political appointments and promotions. If you won’t abide by your own publicized goals, WHY SHOULD WE?

12-21-2006, 05:41 PM
---but you can't see the tree for the forest. It is a fact of life that how you are percieved by others will influence the outcomes in your life.

Since you sound like the original poster on the other thread, it sounds like sour grapes to me. :twisted:

12-21-2006, 09:37 PM
No I did not post the above, so it is someone different for a change. So go on with your sheep life.