View Full Version : Herald Tribune

12-11-2006, 03:00 PM
I see in today Editorial in the Herald Tribune that they knock the Department again for taking the property of Drug Dealers.

I find it funny that in the many articles they wrote they first said it was totally illegal now they say even if the Department wins its case they should stop the Civil agreements and follow the Forfeiture Statute. I got news for them - the Statute permits settlements just what the Department is doing.

The paper is totally misleading citizens on the behalf of drug dealers about the Departments procedures mixing up the Florida Statutes, civil contracts and City Ordinances.

The Chief asked the paper if he could respond in detail to their writings and they would only allow a "Leter to the Editor". HARDLY FAIR!

This paper continues to be so far left its failing down, down, down.
They just don't like Police and their writings show that.

12-11-2006, 03:11 PM
Agree and so do most of our citizens.

Common sense tells one that if a person charged with a crime has a legal right to waive his criminal rights and talk to us without an attorney.
If one can do that they can surely waive a civil right and enter into a settlement agreement with the Police.

I do not want the Herald Tribune deciding for me what I can or cannot do with my property. That is my right.

The Herald continues to believe that if you are found not guilty in a criminal court case you should get your property back. But that makes no sense. If you are arrested with drugs and money you get them back??!!.

The Forfeture process is a civil process and giving back money which was obtained by criminal activity is just plain nuts.

Leave it to the Herald Tribune to be out there by themselves.

No matter what there is always a Administrative review or court action a defendant can ask for if he wants to fight for the property.

The fact is the Herald Tribune just does not like Forfeiture Laws.

12-11-2006, 10:56 PM
These leads me to remember a scene from A Few Good Men. You know, the one where Jack Nicholson says; "How dare you enjoy the blanket of freedom that I provide, then question the means by which I provide it."

I don't know what the Hearald Tribune reporters see when the driver around this town. When I drive down the street in my patrol car I see mothers that are afraid to let their children play in the street because the drug dealer down the block is posted up for the day. I see elderly citizens look at these thugs and shake their head, ashamed of the generation. I see good people begging for help and pleaing to get these criminals put where they belong...in prison.

There is a problem though. When you let the tail chase dog everything gets all as s backwards. I think that the State of Florida is smart to put in place these statutues that attack the drug dealers where it hurts them the most. Money and possessions. Every dealer on the street should be afraid of the police taken their illegally gotten gains.

The entire point of the Constitution is that we can change it as we go. If the founders of these great nation saw the things that occur today, they would roll in their grave.

Not to fear, like Chris Pratt (the defense attorney) says; "Drug dealers are good for our economy. Who else spends as much money as they do?"

12-12-2006, 12:42 AM
The ONLY people complaining about us taking property from drug dealers are the drug dealers lawyers and the Herald Tribune.

Its legal and its a necessity to try to take back the streets for our people not that the paper cares about us the people.

12-12-2006, 04:35 AM
When and where was it said that drugdealers help the economy? Helps the economy??? WOW ummmm the underground economy must have never been spoken about while he was in law school or college. Drug dealers work under the table (obviously) and millions even billions of dollats flow through their hands without it being taxed. I want to know how the hell that is stimulating the economy!!!

12-12-2006, 09:17 AM
Ahh Duh, did you read the post that told you who said it?

12-14-2006, 07:46 PM
I didn't say who stupid; I said "when and where".

12-15-2006, 02:22 PM
I doubt highly Chris would say something like that.

01-11-2007, 08:45 PM
why should the dopes keep their cash and cars? all they are going to use it for is more dope i think we should take it all, let them struggle to get it back

01-12-2007, 03:58 AM
The ONLY people complaining about us taking property from drug dealers are the drug dealers lawyers and the Herald Tribune.

Its legal and its a necessity to try to take back the streets for our people not that the paper cares about us the people.

I think the Trib is a bunch of dopers too