View Full Version : Road Patro lSponsored Through Academy

11-19-2006, 05:48 AM
I have submitted an application for road patrol, and recieved an interview date. The website and the recruiter both said that having a bachelors degree qualifies you to go to the road and they sponsor you through the academy without having to work the jail.

Is this common, does this happen alot? I know its what the recruiter and website say, but just asking on here because you guys all know more and what its really like, how many do they usually sponsor through the academy per year for road patrol?


11-19-2006, 05:49 AM
Also, is there any type of Formal Swearing in ceremony for sheriffs deputies and is that done before of after the academy or the state test. Where i live when you are hired you are sworn in, then sent to the academy.

11-19-2006, 05:50 PM
Yes, the web site and recruiter are correct. You can go to the road directly if you have a 4 year degree. As for how many people do this, you would have to ask HR for those stats. I just know that it does happen.

Regarding being sworn in, I do not remeber. It's been too long ago. :?

11-22-2006, 05:33 AM
Maybe some of you on here can give me your opinion, i also applied for the road patrol job and need to be sponsored through the academy. I jsut graduated with a CJ degree, no previosu experience, nothing bad on my record. Have lived in naples forever. What are my chances?