View Full Version : Good Fictional Reading

09-12-2006, 04:50 AM
If you're looking for some good fictional reading, follow the link below to find the retiree's appeal as filed with the court.

There are only two things missing for this fairy tale, to wit:

1) It should start with "Once upon a time..."

2) It should end with "And the retirees went on to enjoy their hard earned retirement knowing that their pension fund had made up all of it's previous losses, had paid them all every dime they were entitlted to (per their "individual contracts" that they claimed were so important), each received checks worth over $6,000 and lived happily ever after."

I know, it's still not a novel worth ready but you have to admit, it's some pretty good fiction.

Retiree's Appeal:

09-12-2006, 01:18 PM
Another uninformed, misguided soul. We feel for you :cry: