View Full Version : Taking our raise money

07-31-2006, 08:23 PM
Well, looks like the mayor is at in again. First the art museum fiasco, then the Riverwalk debacle. Now comes her latest grand scheme, another WHITE ELEPHANT labeled as bus transit. I may be wrong, but people don't ride our buses as it is. Is this her version of the once touted People Mover??? As it is, it appears as another reason why it will be a hard fight for what we need and I don't mean a 3-3-3 increase. It is an insult that the staff gets bonuses for our production, and the mayor wants a large raise, and yet we are told (especially by one assistant chief) that there is no money for us. Its a sad sick joke.

http://www.sptimes.com/2006/07/31/Hills ... o_ca.shtml (http://www.sptimes.com/2006/07/31/Hillsborough/Mayor_envisions_no_ca.shtml)

07-31-2006, 09:15 PM
I agree the buses are a joke. Is she wants to make things better she needs to set that money aside for light rail. With the sprawl we have experienced over the last few years buses are a waste with such a great deal of our population to the north and south of downtown. Save the money and use it when we can have a real solution to the problem. LIGHT RAIL.

07-31-2006, 11:21 PM

08-01-2006, 12:35 AM
You can count on one thing.
The mayor will present you with a joke of a contract.
Then, she will tell you that you didn't work here to become rich so suck it up.
Meanwhile, she has widened up 40th st., riverwalked the river that the homeless people will use, spent millions on a new non-circulating bus circulator.
Meanwhile, the only people who would have stuck up for you (the retirees) are laughing because you gave us the shaft.
Don't sell us out and then want us to fight for you.
Anyone know where my beer coozie is?
I need it to lay out at the beach.
I need to save my energy for this lawsuit..not your battles.

08-01-2006, 04:03 PM
Meanwhile, the only people who would have stuck up for you (the retirees) are laughing because you gave us the shaft.
Don't sell us out and then want us to fight for you.
Anyone know where my beer coozie is?
I need it to lay out at the beach.
I need to save my energy for this lawsuit..not your battles.

Come on....what would the retirees be able to do to influence any decision the mayor makes?? The lawsuit is over, if you continue to travel down that road it's a dead end my friend....Enjoy your retirement and stop being jealous that somebody might get something a little better than what you have!!!

08-02-2006, 12:52 PM
if the retirees had not followed AL Suarez and David Keene down the river things may have been different. They used you guys to play their own personal political games in hopes of a big promotion in a new administration. Manipulating ballots at union endorsement time and selling out your friends for the latest mayoral flavor of the month proved to be not so good for upward career mobility.

Maybe next time try staying in the foxhole with folks who have been supporting you all along and you would not be in this pickle.

08-03-2006, 02:23 AM
The problem is this.
The mayor lied to everyone.
The retirees, the non-sworns, all city employees, heck..even Al and David got lied too.
She just tells you what you want to hear.
Count on one thing,
Contract negotiations will end up in arbitration and last beyond election time.
If she gets reelected...we are history.
It will be like taking candy from a baby.
What does she have to lose except absolutely nothing?
However, I am not so sure she will get reelected again either.
Too many pissed off people walking around.

08-06-2006, 05:15 PM
She has had a massive increase in city staff and the budget since being elected to office. The city is porked bellied with usless postions she has created,, Director of Arts, sounds nice,, never needed one before.

08-07-2006, 05:08 AM
What are the Priorities for the City of Tampa?
The Vision and Mission of the City has several goals
None of them are Public Safety

Downtown as a residential community by 2010
East Tampa initiative
Tampa as a City of the Arts
Excellent Customer Service

I have no problem with the above except Number 1 should be a goal for this and any other city:
We will save your ass whenever possibe and diligently go after thugs

08-07-2006, 03:06 PM
Welcome to SandyLand :twisted:

08-07-2006, 10:56 PM
The real truth here is that the city needs to step up to the plate and offer us a "real contract". What would be fair is a 6% raise for three years and a Retirement health care benefit that the actives would contribute to, along with the city. I think that would make every one happy. The truth now, the police and fire fighters are the first responders to any call for help. If the POLICE and FIRE FIGHTERS are disgruntled the community and the city VOTERS will know. What makes me laugh is the city in know way shape or form can say they are BROKE....no way. The last three years was a MAJOR tax revenue for the city in the booming housing market. Also, with the new STAFF of incompetents and YES people, they having there whipping ball about TICKETS and revenue at the expense of the officer. If something good doesn't come our way...VOTERS in some way or another will know...........and THATS THE TRUTH. :lol:

08-08-2006, 03:10 PM
Guys, I don't know who or where you're getting your information about money and the Mayor, but all the B.S. has to stop. The only way we'll get a fair contract is if we stop believing every thing that "Joe" tell us. Trust me, we will get what we was asked for the next contract, just stop bashing and spreading rumors about boot allowance, and leave fore "Life" partner's family members. Both items are NOT pentionable. If we get more $$$$ we can buy better shoes, simple as that. SO what if St. Pete does it, then quit and apply to their crappy department.

Stick together, and don't let them get to you.

08-08-2006, 05:05 PM
Why don't we all proof read our post prior to posting them. The content in some are bad enough, but the errors make us look like even bigger morons !

Food for thought .

08-08-2006, 06:48 PM
All money received from the City as compensation (excluding extra duty and over 300 hrs of overtime) is pensionable. Check your pension contract. "Total Cash Remuneration" means just that, total cash remuneration.

08-08-2006, 07:27 PM
Are you sure about the extra duty?

08-21-2006, 01:50 PM
All money received from the City as compensation (excluding extra duty and over 300 hrs of overtime) is pensionable. Check your pension contract. "Total Cash Remuneration" means just that, total cash remuneration.

I don't think the extra duty is. Someone please clear this up.

08-21-2006, 02:36 PM
Read the post, it says, "EXCLUDING extra duty," not including extrad duty. Extra duty is excluded from the pension calculation.