View Full Version : KELTEK

05-29-2006, 03:30 AM
If ya want a real gone get a keltek. There no such thing as a good price on a GLOCK. They are like a VW car. you think there great untill you own one....

Nacho Libre
05-29-2006, 05:31 PM
First off, you have the reading/writing level of a slow 2nd grader. Gun is spelled "gun" not "gone".

Second, Kel-Tec makes cheap guns. They may cost a little less, but they are still cheap.

Third, if you are a cop, which scares me, you would know that you can buy Glocks at a law enforcement distributor for an inexpensive price.

Fourth, maybe back your argument up a little more next instead of saying "They are like a VW car. you think there great untill you own one....".


05-30-2006, 01:33 AM
Check your spelling on "fourth" dipshit.

05-30-2006, 12:26 PM
His spelling is correct for the "fourth" he was using ( the ordinal number ). You were probably thinking about "forth" which is something else entirely. And he's right about the Glock vs. Kel-Tec. If you're buying a back-up or off duty weapon, you want the best possible gun you can get, 'cause if you're down to using it, you're already in a heap 'o trouble and you really, really want it to function properly. I carry the S&W chief special ultra light with a scandium/titanium frame. Expensive, yes, and only 5 shots of .38+P but it weighs next to nothing, I can carry it in my front pocket, and it goes "bang" every time I pull the trigger.

Old Timer

Nacho Libre
05-31-2006, 03:40 PM

fourth ( P ) Pronunciation Key (fôrth, frth)
The ordinal number matching the number four in a series.
One of four equal parts.
A tone four degrees above or below a given tone in a diatonic scale.
The interval between two such tones.
The harmonic combination of these tones.
The subdominant of a scale or key.
The transmission gear or gear ratio used to produce forward speeds next higher to those of third in a motor vehicle.
Fourth The Fourth of July; Independence Day. Used with the: went to a parade on the Fourth.

Can you spell m-o-r-o-n?

06-01-2006, 10:02 PM
anyone notice he titled the post "a waist" instead of "a waste"? Are you fat or something???

06-02-2006, 05:23 PM
Hey, he thought a Kel-Tek is comparable to a Glock, so his lack of grammatical prowess is not surprising!

06-04-2006, 01:35 AM
I only have one question regarding this entire issue. While it is no big surprise that Keltech is low-grade, why do so many LEO's swear by Glock? With experience in both the military and law enforcement I am not at all impressed with the weapon. It is average at best. Most agencies and officers swear by it because of its own propaganda and the brilliant marketing strategy (being genuine in my use of the term "brilliant") of getting R.Lee Ermy to be their front man. But there is nothing tactically advantageous about it. It's performance is not anything exceptional or ground-breaking. It's pricing is ludicrous. The design and feel of the weapon are both ugly and uncomfortable. Of all of the weapons I have used, Glock would not even be my third choice. Granted military weapons are usually of higher quality, for a civilian option Glock is still not number one.

06-04-2006, 10:27 AM
Not sure what military you were in (we had the 92F), but I was Army MP and can honestly say that I'll take a Glock over the Beretta anyday. I've never had any issues with Glock and have been able to pick up any Glock and be pretty accurate with it. In the Army I unfortunately often had to just pick a Beretta and qualify with it. Seemed like everyone I used shot different.

06-04-2006, 08:41 PM
What would be your first two choices if Glock still wouldn't be your third? From the sound of your post you're looking for a gun that is pretty with a felt grip for your dainty hands. Am I right? Would you like to choose a designer color too?

06-07-2006, 08:15 PM
No Reply, I'm not looking for a pretty gun with a felt grip. What I'm looking for is a quality weapon with a rubberized/textured grip. A piece of machinery with craftsmanship and tactical design that allows the user fluid motion, control, and target acquisition. Things you obviously know nothing about. In fact, I'm willing to bet from your posting that you have never even handled a firearm other than a Glock. Hence you're crudely defensive stance on the weapon. I'm not saying it is crap. What I am saying is that it is average and there are better firearms out there. You are obviously one of the ignorant purchasers who base their firearms education and selection on pamphlet and magazine hype that I was referring to in my first post. While expensive, a quality weapon (and my first and second choice) would be the H&K and the Kimber. Do some homework or simply pick up a book before you acquaint yourself with a particular firearm and get gung-ho about defending it; because I'm betting that chances are you couldn't argue for any other company since you know nothing about weapons. Now that I've spoken my piece you can go back to picking flowers or whatever it was you were doing before you stuck your nose where it didn't belong.

06-08-2006, 04:41 PM
You can purchase rubberized grips for most models of handguns. I have a duty issued and one off duty, I'm not really a "gun nut". I prefer to spend my money on flowers. It is just too hot outside to pick them myself. I become proficient with what I'm issued. I have shot plenty of different models of handguns, and each one operates the same, sight alignment and trigger control. I'm just not concerned with what is stamped on the side, don't care what it looks like, just as long as it goes bang every time. I don't defend any particular brand of weapon, I only responded because you sounded 'gay' (not happy, and not that there's anything wrong with that) *****ing about wanting a gun that isn't "both ugly and uncomfortable". All guns look the same from our vantage point, the rear sight and the front sight. BUUUUUT if you don't like the Glock buy something else and carry that. You are excused from this post and you may go back to sticking your head up your ass.

06-10-2006, 05:49 AM
To quote; "I have shot plenty of different models of handguns, and each one operates the same, sight alignment and trigger control. I'm just not concerned with what is stamped on the side, don't care what it looks like, just as long as it goes bang every time. I don't defend any particular brand of weapon, I only responded because you sounded 'gay' (not happy, and not that there's anything wrong with that) *****ing about wanting a gun that isn't "both ugly and uncomfortable". All guns look the same from our vantage point, the rear sight and the front sight."

This not only highlights your ignorance, but also your lack of professionalism, thoroughness in your work, and sloppiness at choosing a sidearm (which could potentially be the most significant decision you make). All handguns operate the same only to an amature. Sight alignment and trigger control are mechanics of shooting, they have nothing to do with weapon construction or quality. Target acquistion on the other hand can be greatly influenced by the design and build of the firearm you chose. A smooth trigger action with fluid return and reset are also mechanically aspects that require consideration. Its obvious that you are not concerned with what is stamped on the side as you have no knowledge of the differences what and consequences that ignorance can have. Kelteks go bang every time and they are shit. But, I guess that's okay with you since it goes... how did you put it? Oh yes, a very scholarly "bang". Probably the most contradictory and dumb-ass statement you made is that you responded because I sounded gay, but then you say there is nothing wrong with that. Then why did you bother to respond dumb shit? Is someone on to your tendencies and this was an outburst of anger which you used to try and cover them up? You're right, it is okay to be gay. Be proud man. Finally, all guns do not look the same from our vantage point. "Guns" are mounted on aircraft, war ships, tanks, the ground, buildings, and other such structures. They fire very large caliber rounds or rocket propelled projectiles. Rifles, pistols, shotguns, machine guns, submachines, and the like are individual defense/offense weapons and no two are ever the same. Infact, while it is a risky proposition, most skilled marksman learn to shoot without using the sights of their firearms. Furthermore, FBI statistics prove that officers rarely ever have a chance to utilize the sights of their weapons in a real life encounter. Rather, they adopt the point-and-shoot method. You are excused from this post and may continue to have your head in your ass. Just be careful when you sit down.... you have so precious few brain cells left.

06-10-2006, 09:26 AM
It amuses me that someone spends that much energy studying their handgun, and writing such emotional responses on the subject. Seriously, you need to get laid or find a calming hobby.

06-10-2006, 11:39 AM
Main Entry: gun
Pronunciation: 'g&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English gonne, gunne
1 a : a piece of ordnance usually with high muzzle velocity and comparatively flat trajectory b : a portable firearm (as a rifle or handgun) c : a device that throws a projectile
2 a : a discharge of a gun especially as a salute or signal b : a signal marking a beginning or ending
4 : something suggesting a gun in shape or function
- gunned /'g&nd/ adjective
- under the gun : under pressure or attack

06-10-2006, 02:56 PM
Webster wasn't in the military. Ask anyone who has ever handled real weapons in a real situation (such as the military) and you will learn the difference between a gun and a personal defense/offense weapon. Webster publishes for the general masses and gives them a means to educate and acquaint themselves with very elementary/specific definitions. Damn civilians.

06-10-2006, 03:01 PM
LMAO, getting laid isn't the problem. The problem is finding a calming hobby. Exercising, getting laid, and gun craft just don't do it anymore. Maybe I should take up somethng else.... like skiing. Thanks for the insight. :)

06-11-2006, 12:32 AM
Actually, Webster (of the dictionary fame) served in the Connecticut Militia in the Revolutionary War. He actually DID SERVE so YOU could be free to be a pompous know-it-all about guns. So place your right hand on a dictionary and thank him for leading the way to your illustreous military career.

And I say again: Glock is better than Kel-Tek. I'll add the opinion of our armorers who took Kel-Teks off the approved lists for spontaneous discharges when dropped and such and left Glock on the approved list.

06-11-2006, 01:20 PM
Let's see your Keltek do this:


06-11-2006, 04:53 PM
Don't try that at home kids. You'll crack your swimming pool walls.

06-11-2006, 05:56 PM
I think a smith, kimber,kelteck,beretta would fire under the water. Boy I hope he was shooting blanks.

06-12-2006, 02:13 AM
No thanks, I'll stick to the real military, not a militia. Webster is not a military man. I already pledged my loyalties, so you can save all of that crap too. I don't claim to be a know-it-all. However, I do know plenty about that which I study, and I certainly know more than you do about this particular subject. Again, you shouldn't be so offended because we don't all love Glocks like you do.

06-12-2006, 02:15 AM
And nobody here supports Keltek as far as I can figure from reading posts. In fact, only one person even mentioned the weapon as being worthwhile. I myself call it crap.