View Full Version : delegates

05-08-2006, 08:20 PM
that delegates meeting was awful what is the point of having training if you have to sit in a classroom and be tourchered it stunk!!! do more hands on

05-08-2006, 08:32 PM
Got a question for you. When was the last time your post hosted a delegates and what was your training. Its a very hard thing to organize, so get over it.

05-09-2006, 12:39 PM
Just be lucky you get to go! Your city pays hundreds of dollars to pay for your trip. Some posts and explorers don't even get the opportunity to go. If you don't like it, then give another explorer an opportunity to go and shut your mouth.


05-12-2006, 01:28 PM
ive been an explorer for 6 years actually and our department doesnt pay anything we raise our money .... so ive been here longer and know alot more than most of you and to sit in a cafeteria and watch a slide show thats not training no way around it and my city cant host a delegates because we dont have a big enough range but when we were in venice we had our instructors come over to train and it was hands on and alot better than this one was this is not how delegates is suppose to be its boring

05-12-2006, 10:04 PM
Wow, dude, that was one very long sentence. If you have been an explorer for 6 years, I assume you are about 20 yoa or so? I'm not trying to be the grammar police, and I understand this is a message board, but punctuation makes it a lot easier for others to read. Remember, law enforcement is all about writing and articulation.

05-13-2006, 10:07 AM
Six years, huh? So you are about 20, give or take a year. Not to make fun or anything, but don't you think you're a little old to be a police explorer? I know you can be until 21, but come on now, you have to grow up sometime. How long do you plan on running around, playing cops and robbers, with a red gun attached to your hip? I left when I was just about to turn 18, at the same time I turned around and got a full time job with the PD. You, my friend, are old enough to be a LEO. My suggestion is to stop running around with the kiddies and get some actual life expirience. Having been an explorer, i figured out that it doen't mean doo doo if you don't have any life expirience along with it.

On another note, you need to do some research. No explorer post that I am familiar with is 100% funded by raised money. I am willing to bet that every explorer post in the country has a budget from the city. My suggestion is to go to city council and ask them what your annual budget is. Even if they tell you none, they still pay the police officers who are there by your side and provide transportation and gas. In most cases this comes out to be mega OT for an officer with a regular assignment.

Finally, you need to grow up. Police work is alot of bordom and a little excitment. Somebody took their time and effort to put together training for you, I suggest you take in as much as you can. Boring or not, it may be the training that could save your life someday.

In the future please be aware that six years as an explorer isn't anything. Sure it looks good on a resume, but the truth is I have learned more about police work in a short year then six years as an explorer could have ever taught me. It is a good base for p&p, law, and safety knowledge, but the things that make you a great officer and save your ass from being kicked is what you learn in the real world, from life experience, not by playing cops and robbers with the kiddies.

Please don't take this an downgrading what an explorer post can do for you, it got me a job and a career. I have one thing you don't, and that is life expirience, I am older and wiser. I have been there and done that. So hopefully with this I have been able to show you your place, and maybe you will take some of my advice.


05-13-2006, 07:25 PM
I have to disagree. I was an explorer for 5 years and have been a deputy for 6. I had much better training as an explorer than I did in the academy and minus a few classes, since I became a deputy for that matter. And now the academy is dumbed down even more than it was 7 years ago.

I don't know where you were an explorer, but it sounds like you all didn't do much. I learned how handcuff, shoot, use a baton and most of all think while I was in the post. The same people that taght me as an explorer also taught me in the academy. The difference is as an explorer we got more in depth and hands on.

Remember you only get out of exploring what you put in to it. That's true for everything in life.

I left when I was 20. Some people forget where they came from and where they learned the basics.

Also I KNOW at my agency, there is no budget, allthough there is a full time deputy. Each agency is different.

-Deputy McCoy

05-13-2006, 08:25 PM
alright well lets see you got out and got hired at a young age thats great. But, at the same time my four year degree double major may i add is going to get me alot further in life than you. Also when i am promoted and making more money and im in charge of people that dont have as good of an education than you will really understand the value of that. i could easily go get hired on a low paying department like DOT or something like that making 30,000 a year or i can work at going to a big department being promoted and making alot of money. also i am a good shooter and i enjoy what i do so im taking advantage of a program i enjoy until i am done with college.

And on your next note our post was about to be disbanned about 12 years ago because our department doesnt fund us and we couldnt afford it so we do raise all of our own money so as for the research i know mine its part of what college has taught me is researching. ignorance is horrible so i dont make a statement i cant back up. Yes they do pay for one officer and gas i will give you that but that just means they wasted money for me to go to a delegates meeting where the training wasnt that great. i give it to the host post they did a great job and its hard to find training but watching a slideshow is not training. this training wont save my life because it was photos of how people have died or killed themselves .... i know the ins and outs of police work so you dont have to tell me what its about i know that.

Life experience is what you are talking about but this is a life experience and older does not mean wiser i mean my college degree vs. your time on a dpt hmmm with a good dpt the college will win sorry to tell you that thats why in Tampa or department wont hire anyone without 60 credit hours so when im retired with a full pention and i can run my own business or go take my degree somewhere else to work than i think ill be better of. so i guess the life lesson here is dont rush into things and dont think you know more than you do cause there is always someone out there who knows more younger or not age is not anything anymore

05-14-2006, 02:05 PM
Just a word of advice, from someone who has been there and now doing it, do not go into this career with that attitude. The guy or girl standing in the stink right next to you will not respect or trust you and if your lucky your FTO will not boot you out of the car because of this "I know all, I was an Explorer/I have a degree and all of you will work for me" attitude, you are gonna have a rude awakening Bub. Yes in certain Agencies, a degree is required and I applaud you for getting one, but if you think for one minute that a degree is gonna make you a better cop, you are sadly mistaken.

I was an Explorer for a long time, and I attended several delegates meetings, and yes some of the training sucked, and I thought it was a waste but its an opportunity be gratefull and take advantage of it!

05-14-2006, 06:34 PM
No i dont have that attitude i take advantage of good oppurtonities. but your an officer in a message board for explorers discussing a meeting you werent at. your right you shouldnt have that attitude so dont. i mean life experience is great for you enjoy it this is a life experience for me. Explorers has made me a better person and it has changed and affected my life when i have an FTO i will respect them even if at times they are wrong everyone makes mistakes and no one is perfect but for an officer that thinks they know so much to be on here discussing a matter that they dont real know a whole lot about or making judgements and statements about things they have no clue about is childish. So i will continue to be an explorer and enjoy it and i know that i will make a great officer and a better one than many that i have met. im sorry that you have been mistaken about so many things with this conversation but if there is anything else i need to clarify feel free to ask. Because i do know alot more than you think! Bub!

05-14-2006, 11:01 PM
One thing college hasn't taught you is to use periods or what a paragraph is.

As an FTO, you have failed day 1 pahse 1. Get out of my car!

05-15-2006, 01:26 AM
Dear Professor,

I think you mean phase one, right? One should refrain from using numbers or abbreviations when possible. Also revising your work is great as well, you should review your work for any mistakes, especially spelling errors.

Student Alpha

05-15-2006, 01:33 AM
hey i suck at grammer i wont lie but i never try on a message board its a waste

05-15-2006, 02:48 AM
but it just shows how much i have proved you wrong when you have to pick at every simple thing some offiicer you must be

05-15-2006, 03:27 AM
wow...that last delegates meeting really sucked. Why is it that everytime the orgaiztion agrees to have more hands on training they just settle for the easy way and boring way out and have a one hour slide show??

05-15-2006, 04:42 PM
wow...that last delegates meeting really sucked. Why is it that everytime the orgaiztion agrees to have more hands on training they just settle for the easy way and boring way out and have a one hour slide show??

Either of these could have been a factor: lack of motivation, money, or lack of instructors is what I’m assuming. Titusville did good job last year even when they had the emergency and plans had to be revamped.

What’s up with telling someone being in explorers at a “veteran” age is a waste of time? As someone said, putting into explorers is what you get out is very true. Being in explorers myself at a “veteran” age is prime time to be in a position to be getting to know people in the city for the letters of recommendation and they themselves knowing what kind of person you are.

Don’t get me wrong about life experience but becoming a LEO at nineteen and talking about life experience . . . you were still a baby yourself at nineteen. I do know that everyone goes through life experiences at different rates so please, I do not want anyone (if so) attacking me with a reply saying they were on their own since they were sixteen and they have plenty of experience because of this.

05-15-2006, 06:11 PM
THANK YOU! Finally someone with some sense. That is the point im trying to make. why rush things when you can wait get on a great department and make more money than others. Also this will be my 5th state competition and my 3rd nationals this year. I have so many trophies that i dont have shelf space for them. So it just shows how much i do get out of this program and the chances i will get because of it. I have had alot go on in my life that has given me life experiences i was dealing with things at a young age that most children dont so i have had life experiences. My whole point is it was voted on that we would have hands on training and we have gotten away from that this is an organization for the youth so thats my point. Officers that have the wrong out take or think we are just out playing cops and robbers are the main ones to ruin this organazition. So i hope you can quit your tunnel vision and see the point that is being made here.

05-15-2006, 06:11 PM
THANK YOU! Finally someone with some sense. That is the point im trying to make. why rush things when you can wait get on a great department and make more money than others. Also this will be my 5th state competition and my 3rd nationals this year. I have so many trophies that i dont have shelf space for them. So it just shows how much i do get out of this program and the chances i will get because of it. I have had alot go on in my life that has given me life experiences i was dealing with things at a young age that most children dont so i have had life experiences. My whole point is it was voted on that we would have hands on training and we have gotten away from that this is an organization for the youth so thats my point. Officers that have the wrong out take or think we are just out playing cops and robbers are the main ones to ruin this organazition. So i hope you can quit your tunnel vision and see the point that is being made here.

B Plante
06-17-2006, 09:57 PM
Hey, if you guys have problems with things like training or delegates meetings, why not bring them up with your Regional VP. That's kinda what they are for. I can't guarantee what the training is going to be this year, it depends on who hosts it, and what they are able to do.

Just so you know:
Sept. Delegates - Panama City
Jan. Delegates - Pinellas Park
Apr. Delegates - Tentative, Will be announced as soon as it's finalized.

If there's something specific that you want to see at delegates meetings, let me know, I'll be sure to bring it up.

B. Plante

06-21-2006, 08:16 PM

I have to agree with the above FTO. I would be giving you straight 1's on your Daily Observation Report. If you can't figure out how to use periods, or capitalize the letter "I" . I hope you get hired at the agency I work at and you get put with me. PLEASE BRING THAT I KNOW IT ALL ATITUDE WITH YOU. PHASE ONE DAY ONE AINT GANNA BE PRETTY. The only thing that will save you that day will be the limbo period of three days. You need to learn to be grateful, for whatever training you got. Do you think in the Academy they let us drive the pursuit course? Without the classroom training first. I think not. Also sir, if that is boring to. You will hate being a police officer, there is a lot of downtime. Let me be the guy to break the really bad news. Being a police officer is 95% paperwork. I suggest you work on that spelling. P. S. I'm not clamming to be the best, thank God for spell check.

06-23-2006, 01:36 AM
Well for you to come on here and say all those things is wrong. Spell check must not work very with because AINT is not a correct spelling for a word you should have written that will not work or something along those lines. Also, I do not have a no it all attitude or i would not be complaining. If i knew it all would I want better training? Im complaining because our organaztion mandated hands on training and we have only had classroom training since than. I am pretty sure i can to an outstanding job with anyone as my FTO. When it comes to reports I can very easily write correctly. It's very sad that "officers" come on here and write about a topic that doesnt pretain to them. I relish all of the delegates meetings. That is why I have helped raise thousands of dollars to support my post. I know all about law enforcement. Yes, there are alot of things in which i do not know yet. I plan on learning from those and that is why I have been complaining so I can become more knowledgable. If you read all of my post's you can see that I have appreciated the things I have recieved from my department and other departments. I have put it well over 1000 hours of community service. So, before you complain about what I have written get all of your facts straight. I will be more than happy to answer any questions that you have for me. One more thing, as you can see my grammar can be better when I want it to be although, it is still not perfect

06-30-2006, 04:14 AM
To Bullet,

You are a police explorer. You have zero knowledge of what happens when you get into the squad car on day one of FTO.
I say that having been an explorer and a new hire.

That being said, the officers that have commented here are trying to help you with what they feel may be an issue. You need to pay attention because their intention isn't to criticize you as a person, it is intended to provide you with a chance to correct what could become a major stumbling block as you try to start your career. No deputy or officer that is asked to sit on an oral board likes to hear how they will be working for you within six months. It crosses the line between confidence and arrogance.

There are a lot of good cops that work at "low paying agencies" like DOT. They still have done something that very few people get to do, and that is take an oath to protect and serve. To emphasize my point, at last count, I believe ony ten to twelve people that I graduated the academy with are serving as officers. We graduated 29. Some of those not working right now even had degrees. That just shows that paper can never make up for substance.

You can take this to heart or you can let it go. But listen to the officers or deputies that offer advise, even if they don't work at your agency. You'd be surprised at what you might learn.

06-30-2006, 02:39 PM
Well I dont know everything but, I do know what goes on in FTO at least at my department. The problem is I never brought that issue up. THIS IS FOR EVERYONE THE ISSUE AT HAND WAS THAT AT OUR DELEGATES MEETINGS WE ARE SUPPOSE TO HAVE HANDS ON TRAINING AND WE DID NOT. So all of the officers on here that were not there and know nothing about it are wasting their time. I am trying to get my point across that we need better training at our meetings. As an explorer you learn the majority of the classroom things when you are at your regular scheduled weekly meetings. Delegates is suppose to be a learning exprience for all explorers and it should not be boring. We fundraise all year long so we can go to these meetings and state competition and also to nationals. So when I take time off of work to do a detail so I can raise money to go out of town and than I get there and its awful there is a problem. That is the issue here. I know within this next year i will be applying and going to the police academy. At the academy I will have a step up on everyone because of explorers and at the same time I will learn things that I have not learned in explorers. So im not on here saying I know everything but I am trying to better my knowledge and that is where my complaint comes in. So everyone must understand the real issue at hand and that is I am trying to better myself and all the explorers in my association.