View Full Version : Connected Cop Given Free Pass After Sexually Assaulting Minor

06-09-2018, 05:53 PM
This is the story run all around the world about a politically connected Hialeah cop who sexually assaults a minor under threat of arrest, yet the politically connected cop is not even suspended. It is well known Miami-Dade State's Attorney does not prosecute cops.
Pam, it's time to step in.


They said it all started as a quick U-turn on the road. They said the officer pulled them over and took one of them in for questioning. “[He asked me] how do I have intercourse, and I told him, ‘Why do I need to answer that? Why is that necessary?’ He insisted me to answer it, so I told him how me and my partner have intercourse, which is me and my girlfriend,” said the alleged victim. “After, he asked if I was a virgin. He asked me, if he was to test me right that moment, if I had any diseases on me.”
The woman said the officer went even further. “He puts down his weapon belt, and he starts rubbing on his private parts, which is his [expletive], and he tells me to take off my pants. If not, I was going to be arrested,” said the alleged victim.
Unable to hold back tears, the victim said she did as she was told out of fear. “I thought I was going to get arrested for no reason. I feel like I was being detained for no reason. He had put me in a room, he told me I was going to be with investigators, and out of nowhere, there’s no one in the office.”
The woman said the officer then asked to see her from behind. After that, she said, he wanted more. “He wanted me to take off my shirt and my bra together, and I told him, ‘No. Why do I have to do that? There’s no reason to do that. Then he said, ‘Oh, I thought you wanted to [expletive].'”
“Honestly, I thought I was going to get raped,” said the alleged victim. “I thought he would make me sleep with him.”

Menocal is an instructor as the “School of Justice,” which apparently is police doublespeak for injustice under a threat of a gun and arrest.

He was also presented with an “Officer of the Month” award by the Miami-Dade County Association of Chiefs of Police, where we imagine his father was a member while serving as Sweetwater chief, which is why he is posing in the photo with his son.

He also has a brother named Jonathan Menocal who maintains an Instagram account and who recently graduated from the police academy, so we probably should expect more of the same.

Below is a family photo of the Menocals, from left to right, father, mother, Jonathan and Jesse, Jr., the cop accused of forcing the girl to strip as he fondled his penis.

As far as the investigation goes, we need to keep in mind his police family in South Florida extends much deeper than the biological family we see in the photo below.

They are full-fledged members of South Florida’s Blue Mafia, so we should not expect any actual results, even if the girl is telling the truth.

And I say that because numerous commenters have been accusing her of making up the allegations.

But don’t be surprised if that is exactly what junior was expecting from police in the City of Progress.


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12-19-2018, 03:59 AM
t was three and a half years ago today that Sgt Menocal allegedly tried to rape a juvenile while in uniform in the course of his official duties. It was obvious that the fix was in from the beginning. The corrupt chief Sergio Velazquez, instead of extending compassion to the alleged victim, immediately declared that Menocal would be back on duty if the facts were not substantiated.

Well, instead of exonerating Menocal, the chief milked the investigation past 180 days which is the statute of limitations for cops in Florida. And we're supposed to believe the large sums of money the Menocals obtain through their cocaine protection racket had no influence on Velazquez? Yeah, right. And I suppose the hundreds of thousands of dollars Velazquez extorted from the strip clubs and the Sosa family were all turned over to the Catholic Charities orphan fund!

And the Florida Office of the Attorney General is just as responsible as they are known for covering up for criminal cops. Three and a half years later and you are still investigating. You people are truly incompetent pieces of sh1t!