View Full Version : Marabotto

01-07-2017, 09:09 PM
Wow, more trouble for the little liar scumbag. What's he doing to himself? Get your shoulder fixed, stay out as long as you can. Get a good WC Fraud lawyer, you are gonna need him/her. I believe Rey is terminated by June. With State Insurance Fraud looking in to his claim. I think that ethics is also looking in to his hanky panky. Enjoy the ride scumbag.

01-08-2017, 02:44 PM
Carlos, REALLY?, need a break from doing nothing except spending money, hiring friends and hooking up your LIEutenants with big raises. Rey has nothing on Amy.

01-08-2017, 06:07 PM
Well, well, well...... looks like little RayRay is on the PooPoo list. At the top of da list. I guess he cried to the mayor about Carlito hiring beach guys. RayRay has had a negative influence on shrek, floyd, asskonio, but not his Indian brothers. Shrek always thought he was the man with the plan. Asskonio being the snake's nephew certainly bit the hand the feeds. Brilliant move bone head, follow lil ray. It's about time shrek goes out on WC. Since ray is bragging about Carlito going down soon, and he himself staying out for over a year, perhaps we shouldn't hire anyone else till we know for sure that ray's mysterious injury is healed. Oh and it's so nice of the FOP to fight for the biggest backstabbing loser in this place. The team of Joe P, Mark da Crybaby and ray himself will straighten this place out. Go ray go. June is straight around the corner. Bye bye you low life scumbag!

01-09-2017, 08:46 PM
So, the midnight shift had a man on man incident (rape) and pretty much blew it off. The day shift had the same thing happen and Amy did the report. She did so well it made Ray look stupid. A serious issue treated like a serious issue. Never mind ray told asskonio not to worry about writing a report, cause it's no big deal. On the flip side, Amy knows that Ray thinks she's crazy. How is it that Ray totally destroyed the night shift. Hell, Floyd used to be a solid guy, now he's a little ray. Thank our lucky stars that PK is on the shift or they'd be out of control. He can't spell for beans, but he takes pride in his work. We might see a surprise. Pete promoted to Cpl, and never seeing the road? Oh, back to ray. Did the PI get any good film on him for the WC fraud case?