View Full Version : Monday is here! Wake up 101, sir!

11-07-2016, 01:42 PM
Its Monday, 101! What goes on inside your mind when you, as the big king of the county, walk in to the office? (Its not your office, it belongs to the people still..) Do you look 102 in the eye and in your delusional mind, forget the shit your talk about him behind his back? Do you think he doesn’t know? It doesn’t matter – you are the Sheriff! The big man,power, intouchable – the county is YOURS, right? Got re-elections “in the bag” ? Right?

The only thing you have “in the bag” are charges coming. You are going to be wearing handcuffs, even for a short time. It makes a statement, and those who investigated you, wont miss the opportunity to showcase their latest trophy – you, a “mighty” Sheriff. They too have a job to do, and part of it is burning officials just.like.you!

Do you get tense and scared, (yes “scared”), on the drive to the office. Wonder “what am I walking into today?”. Hows things at home? Tense? Anything sometimes racing through your mind? With a simple felony conviction, you know, and have to have thought you would lose your retirement (and you should).

Will you plead with tears about the “harm that will do to my family” (wail, wail) OH, the sorrow.

Did you think of how what you did would hurt them, and not the consequences of what you did?

Did you think of the same family you will no doubt cite as part of a mercy from the, of course not. You were just being the man. Power and resources and a whole machine behind you?

Here is reality you are going to soon face, weather it sinks in or not, is another question. Real power and authority doesn’t come from a badge or other people’s money (actually it is they who hold the power, you were just their boy.

Hats off to them, I totally do not begrudge them owning you, you make a good punk..)

You are going to be reduced to your bare self, financially and career wise. You wont have one to return to. What is your game plan? You don’t have anywhere close to any marketable skills or ability. See how far your “business degree” gets you. A managers job at Applebees.

You do not have too far to fall. You are a little man, in character and stature.