View Full Version : 124, very astute....

10-18-2016, 09:24 PM
So what does the Chief really have over the Sheriff. It's common knowledge that the Sheriff cannot $hit without asking the Chief if he could. You had a decent relationship at one time, so I'm sure he confided in you on the lobster excursions.

Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Another great question. Steve has never spoken to me about any of that, and I don’t know anyone who knows the whole story. I have assembled enough bits and pieces of the story to come to the following conclusion: The Harrelles supported Kevin prior to his primary loss to Ronnie Lee in 2008. Shortly thereafter, the Harrelles and Kevin supported Steve. I believe that making a deal with Steve was the only way they could get rid of Ronnie and get Kevin and Susan employed. At this point Steve is subservient to the Harrelles who support Kevin, and therefore Steve can’t get rid of Kevin and/or over rule him on certain issues. I don’t know if this was truth or smoke screen but I’ve heard Steve say that he can’t run the agency without Kevin. Steve is basically the front man, while Kevin runs the agency. This is my informed opinion.


Your informed opinion - is very...damned close to the reality.

The Sheriff needs to realize, his being beholdent to the Harrelles, whose support is really for Mumbles Nelson, who reminds me of Ronnie Lee - who at least spoke his ramblings clearly - this Chief - is an anachronism (look it up Mumbles) and Steve will have you to thank for his final term - save YOUR career Sheriff - Susan sure as hell wont have a place in any new administration - so I think your masters will see the wisdom in granting you permission to execute an executive decision to save Susans job, and yours.

Theres much stronger leadership on tap already, it is clearly visible from here - let a real leader with a strong resume take 102 slot - let 'him' have the authority to run the day to day agency while you handle the bogus allegations coming out of the woodwork about you.

I like my job.