View Full Version : Change is needed

02-18-2016, 05:58 AM
When are the leaders of this city going to open their eyes an really see what is happening? There are suppervisors who don't lead or can't lead. Officers are told they have to follow directives but the very suppervisors who are supposed enforce them can't even follow the directives. The biggest violators are the administration. They hire their friends as reserve or part time officers who never have to go through fto.

Sometimes a hiring process is followed and sometimes the chief just hires someone without an oral board and limited background check. The chief has found a way to get around the turnover issue, just hire people who can't get hired elsewhere. Then again his hands might be tied, when the rate of pay is the lowest in the area it's hard to find qualified officers who want to work for such a backwards agency.

Why has it taken almost 3 years to conduct firearms qualifications? Why did gun lights sit in a locked room for almost 3 years? What happened to the evaluations that are to be conducted every year? How is it possible to effectively lead and suppervise your people when you haven't completed a report or made an arrest in over 15 years. Where are all the supplements from being involved in the CID cases? Then again all that might take away from working on projects for a part time job.

This leads to the next question of why are officers, detectives and sergeants allowed to use Dade City Police vehicles to drive to their part time job?

Patrol is the #1 function in DC, why can't anyone be bothered to work it. 2 officers on the street while 6 sit in offices. CID starts whenever they want, depending on how long breakfast takes. Then takes a 2 hour lunch out of the city while being paid. If they are so busy they can't handle a call how can this happen? Why, between the 2 of them, they only made 7 arrests in 1 year? Then one detective complains patrol doesn't do enough. Maybe he needs to spend some time In patrol since he hasn't done it since to 90's. That's what happens when you go from reserve officer to detective because of your "connections".

Everyone knows that the accreditation process isn't possible, and the only reason it was started was to get a new police station. Well, got it, no need to keep a law enforcement officer sitting in a office making policies that can't and won't be followed. That could be another officer on the road.

Anyone remember how long the chief told the city commission it would take him to get the PD accredited? 2-4 years from when he was hired, what has it been, 8 years now? What ever happened to that statigetc plan that the citizens were supposed to hold him accountable for?

Things just don't add up and it's about time the city leaders open their eyes. New leadership is needed!

03-06-2016, 06:15 AM
HAHAHAHAHA….Supervisors that are leaders, oh man…Starts at the top and works its way downhill. There’s no accountability at the top, decisions are made by which way the wind blows that day. The “Patrol Sergeants”….That would be something. They do realize that patrol comes first in that title right? I mean we are basically zone Dade City now. Pasco Sergeants at least have 8 guys pumping in reports all day. So they can use the basic duty of a Sergeant, ours pretty do homework, watch tv, dodge calls or just hang out wherever. Pasco Sergeants at least have cages in their car I mean really can you believe there has been shifts with 1 cage on the road between 4 units. Oh, how about no cages on the road for a couple weeks for half of the length of the shift.

We can go down to the officers level as well, we have a handful of efficient officers the rest are a bag of tards. They cut corners waaaaayyyy tooo much, which maybe explains why they could not get hired anywhere else. We all know the officers would like more money, nope heres a 6 million dollar building. How about some more money now, nope new cars. How about some more money, nah we will “find” money for something else though. That’s all Zephyr…I mean Dade City.

03-11-2016, 05:24 PM
Very sad to see how petty and spiteful certain leaders (the chief) can be. Shortly after this post the WiFi was removed from only the patrol section of the building. When officers are in the building they are questioned as to what they are doing there. Officers can't use this "great new building" that's supposed to benefit them, now doors are locked and access is restricted. Start holding people accountable, I understand this will be hard to do because now the suppervisors and admin will have to also be held accountable, that's why we know it will never happen under this administration. Fix the problems with the people who created the problems and don't punish everyone. Even the people who are supposed to have access to areas don't, yet suppervisors who can't have access do. Example: none of the breath test operators have a key to get into the room, yet suppervisors who do not hold a breath test certification have access. Um, I think this is a violation of FDLE rules. It would be a shame and an embarrassment for the defense attorneys to find out that not only does DCPD not follow their own rules but now they don't follow FDLE's rules. I see alot of suppression hearings in the near future!!!!

05-05-2016, 12:02 AM
Someone needs to show the media what is going on at this small city municipality. So that the administration can be held accountable for their actions or lack there of.

When will the city management "Manage" the city and concern themselves with public service? Do they think administration is the reason why the patrolman and women are liked in the community? NO cause administration never works (other than card games) or does anything productive.

Everything is public record people. Just fill out a request. Radio traffic is also public record so you can hear what is really going on compared to a patrolmans report. Also besides PATROL, who do everything at the department, what does an administrative sergeant do? Does he review reports or anything? What does the other sergeants do? Or the many LIGHT duty positions they seem to have when I did my tour?

How many people does it take to do a tour of a 7 million dollar PD?

When will the ASS KISSING stop?

Sincerely, concerned citizens of Dade City.