View Full Version : Just following orders isn't a valid legal reason…….

06-29-2015, 06:48 PM
SS and other Fed agencies, feel free at anytime to do actual police work and start arresting these treasonous idiots you protect. If you do nothing your just aiding and abetting or simply a bodyguard or enforcer just like the drug cartels have.

Just sayin'

08-08-2015, 01:35 AM
SS and other Fed agencies, feel free at anytime to do actual police work and start arresting these treasonous idiots you protect. If you do nothing your just aiding and abetting or simply a bodyguard or enforcer just like the drug cartels have.

Just sayin'

It is futile to make an arrest when you know the federal prosecutor will not pursue it in court.

Which "treasonous" federal official protected by federal agents do you REALLY think the U.S. Attorney General would prosecute.

Don't be silly.