View Full Version : Fllowers for Lt. Johnson

Thomas Paine
11-02-2014, 12:48 AM
Just think! Lt. Johnson received a nice bouquet of flowers this past week. For those who didn't see, the card read 'we miss you at roll call'. It was a very nice token of appreciation from both Leo's and other personnel. We know who chipped in, as usual your names are safe with us. We would interpret this as kind of a silent act of mutiny. Now the chief will have to walk the hallways and roll call wth all those anonymous faces looking at him and wonder who they are. Am I and capt kent gonna' fire at least 3/4 of the dept and I've only go a short time to exact retribution on the 'mutineers'. We have other posts coming. Command pimp has been on the loose and has some most interesting things to reveal. As usual.
Your most humble servants, Thomas Paine, Po-po poet, command pimp