View Full Version : What I said ain't what I meant

07-13-2014, 09:59 PM
dear Lt. DeJohn

Our group has been on a short vacation. We have agreed to review your treatise of 6/22/14. Some parts will be quoted directly, some quoted and taken out of context others paraphrased. Your beginning caveat was most interesting in it's negative contradictions. Using your name without title is irrelevant at this point. More to the point is the use of a double negative adverb (not) "not on behalf of the Homestead Police Department." " not me as a Lieutenant". The two quotes are analogous as 'try not to think of a green unicorn'. The thought has been placed, key word 'police' giving thought to authority, control' arrest power. This power and authority is expanded and strengthened to rank in hierarchy ''lieutenant'.
Your usage is some what Shakesperian (me thinks he doth protest too much). There are some degrees in separation, the inference is still there "I am not", not me as. A classic double negative contradiction . It is our understanding police officers in Florida have arrest powers 24hrs a day. You cannot unilaterally suspend these powers. Our society holds it's police officers to a higher standard of conduct in action and words. The police are a necessary evil. They walk a very dangerous and tenuous path and are an intricate part of our society. Although not appreciated unless needed.
Your most devoted servants and Thomas Paine